the funniest thing

Guest bexar_county89

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Guest bexar_county89

Y'all will never believe this!! I was talking about white tail season and this *blond* girl from california asked me if we really shot the deer or what?? shocked.gif What kinda question was that? So I told her that we hunt deer exactly like we fish, once we catch them, we turn em aloose... wink.gif honesty is not always the best policy!!

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Guest bexar_county89

Re: the funniest thing

She didn't understand how we took pictures with the fallen deer. So I told her we used tranquilizer guns and that we take the picture then leave 'em there to wake up later! crazy.gif Her face was worth a million dollars, "I thought that you guys were actually cruel people. I didn't realize how humane you are!" LOL what she dosn't know won't hurt her... much wink.gif

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Re: the funniest thing

god has blessed some women with a very beautiful body and some with greater even yet intelligence. and then god in wisdom decided to invent the blond just so we could see the true to life dumb founding woman of the world when he invented the blonde.

another joke for the funny bin at a later date. definatley you did the right thing or maybe a good well we invite them to come and live on our land where we feed them and their families and keep the bad guys from hunting and killing them. oh what a wicked web we weave lol

rob k

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Re: the funniest thing

i almost forgot when i was down in a little local yokell town i had a woman who was looking at my face and beard and asked me what my hair color was and said the truth be said and raised my hat i am bald on top and when i placed my hat on my head looked down as my dad was laughing uncontrollably that is when i noticed the girl was writng bald in the hair square. and the scarriest part was she wasn't a blonde so i had to laugh at that one

rob k

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