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this up coming season will be my third year bowhunting. I hunt central Illinois and i am having a tough time patterning my deer. oct.1 through oct. 16 i recorded that a large doe and her twins came across the same trail every mourning, then they stopped using it. then this monster 10 point that i have had my eye on ever since i caught him on my trail camera used a trail that went directly under my stand, but now he only uses it at night around 12 o really confused these deer must have me pegged.. but what is so confusing is i shot a nice six pointer with no brows out of the same stand in broad day light, but trouble is the rut was over and i had never even seen the buck in my life....please help

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Re: bowhunting

What you need to do this summer is find where that buck is sleeping. Or any deer in your area. Then, Find a draw or a trail that leads to a feeding area. My Advice would be to set up several stands between feeding and bedding areas. Also. Maybe hunting in the afternoon would be you best bet in the early season. That way you can stealth in while they are in their beds. Durrin the run change stands durring the day if the deer seem to have you pegged. During Nov 1- 16 the deer will be all over and moving throught the day. Also.. the best way to keep in teh game is to just wait for that one deer and not shoot a lesser buck.

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Re: bowhunting

spring ans summer are the best way to pattern and you will usually see some bucks that may venture into your hunting area but make sure you glass form distance if possible and if you have to go in do the same thing you would if you were hunting. this way your scent is kept to a minimum and make sure if you plan on using food plots or if feeders are legal to set them up where you can get a shot and make it where the deer don't feel like they are walking into an ambushe good luck to you

and hopet his helps

rob k

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