This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.


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TV watchdog group files complaint with FCC over Junior's language

From Press Release

October 18, 2004

05:40 PM EDT (21:40 GMT)

LOS ANGELES -- The Parents Television Council, the nation's most influential advocacy organization protecting children against sex, violence and profanity in entertainment, filed an indecency complaint last Thursday with the Federal Communications Commission against the NBC network for airing Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s expletive after the Sunday, October 3 NASCAR race.

The PTC and its nearly one million members nationwide have asked the FCC to levy a Notice of Apparent Liability against each NBC affiliate that aired the program.

The program that contained the indecent material was broadcast live around 5 p.m. ET and was seen in homes across the country on NBC network affiliates.

"NBC knows that NASCAR has a huge family audience. NBC and its affiliates should be fined for airing the S-word at a time when millions of children were likely to be in the viewing audience," said L. Brent Bozell, president of the PTC.

"After the fact, NBC announced they would be putting all future NASCAR race coverage on a 5-second tape delay. But frankly, NBC should have taken this action long before the Earnhardt incident, especially given NBC's past problems with indecent language during live broadcasts, including Bono's utterance of the F-word during the 2003 Golden Globe awards.

"This is precisely why Congress needs to increase indecency fines. Television networks need to get serious about halting the flow of indecent material over the broadcast airwaves, but that won't happen when the financial penalties can be absorbed as a reasonable cost of doing business.

"We are demanding that the FCC impose the maximum fine allowable under the law against every NBC affiliate that aired this offense. We further demand that the FCC consider license revocation as a real option given the repetitive nature of these offenses," said Bozell.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

Its pretty sad when South Park can say every swear word in the book, and even yes, the F word, and have a counter on the TV screen as to how many times they say each word on cable tv. But a person cant even slip once on a word without being fined. Heck, ive even watched NBA or NFL games and they have microphones on the sidelines and you can hear the players swear. I personally dont think it has anything to do with any organizations other than NASCAR having their heads where they dont belong.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

I'll put my Sociology knowledge (or lack or) to work here. I can almost guarantee that the people that are most outraged is rich people. Rich people often extend the childhood of their children long after it should be over. More than likely, the angered people are rich with probably 16 year-old kids, thinking that their world is coming to an end. Ugh!

I don't know how NASCAR can consider themselves a "family sport?" They got their beginning hauling shine around! grin.gif

All I know is those folks better never go to a race. grin.gif

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.


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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

Ok lemme get this straight.

I say the "S" word in here....and I have 7 moderators clammering that I be banned from the site for life because "we wouldn't want the children to read this"

But Dale Jr. says it on national television before millions of "children" and adults and all of a sudden it's not such a bad thing and everyone's heard that before?

Ya know, I probably just pissed a few people off but come on. If you're going to hold standards for one or a few.....hold them for all.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.


If you're going to hold standards for one or a few.....hold them for all.

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This is a private site...its realtree's rules, end of story. The prob. with Nascar, NBC, FCC that it doesn't seem to be consitant. Why is ok to hear the lang. on other t.v. shows, but not Nascar?

BTW John, please go back and edit your post, we all know what you mean without you having to spell it out. smirk.gif

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

No Snap, this is not a private site, it is open to anyone and everyone that chooses to view it....just like television.

I'm not trying to start a firestorm here, I just find it really amazing and funny that given the two circumstances, you'll get two totally and completely different answers and the audiences are the same.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.


The prob. with Nascar, NBC, FCC that it doesn't seem to be consitant

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Nascar has been handing out fines all year long for abuse of the lanuage rules.


its realtree's rules, end of story

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It's also Nascars rule and policy, end of story. That's why there's a fine and a penalty. And just like Nascars penalty, mine is two emails in my inbox tonight from some of favorite admirers (moderators that hate me) cursing at me for having the audicity to stain their hallowed grounds with the mention of the "S" word.

Funny....they sure didn't mind using a few 4 letters words themselves.

Now you've got me all worked up....I'm going to lose sleep tonight.....geee, thanks Snap ole buddy!! wink.gif

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

Parrothead, just because somebody broke a rule to the extent of needing to be banned from the site, it doesnt mean that we (moderators) have to agree with it. We are just doing what we are told to do. If you break a rule, and Scott says this person needs to be banned, i might not think its necessary, but he said it is so im gonna do what he says. This is Realtrees site, and Scott is the boss. I dont make the rules, he does.

Same with NASCAR. Junior broke the rule and NASCAR took what they felt was appropriate actions. That doesnt mean we have to agree with what they did just because we ban somebody on here for doing the same thing he did. I hope that clears it up for you.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

Getting back on the subject. Regardless of what 5 point says, I don't feel that this group is a bunch of tree huggers, he's got his activist groups mixed up ,this group is more along the lines of the Christian Coalition. Anyhoo, as far as certain TV shows go, South Park etc. After a certain time of night, either 10 pm or 11 pm , basic cable can show anything they want. ER a couple years ago had the S word and even showed a bare breast last year. South Park in the same thing, it's Cable TV yes, but the time the program is on dictates the content. How many 5 year olds are watching South Park at 11 PM, not many, and if there are, their parents need to be slapped.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.


How many 5 year olds are watching South Park at 11 PM, not many, and if there are, their parents need to be slapped.

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Maybe not, but just how many 5 years olds where really watching the post race interview too.

But just how many children under 5 sit at home with mommy all day when she watches her soaps. I know for a fact on NBC during mid day their soap shows contain the "A" word and the "B" word it seems to be more and more everyday. So I guess now those words are acceptable which where not at one time.

This is one big joke. Give me a break.

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.



Nascar has been handing out fines all year long for abuse of the lanuage rules.

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I didn't mean Nascar isn't consitant with their rules, and I agree with them upholding them with Jr. The part I don't like is that Nascar will use the FCC as an excuse, but the FCC doesn't seem to mind sitcoms, soaps etc...

As far as this site, your right to an extent, its here for anyone to see. But when you registered like everyone else, you agreed to certain terms. Now if you would follow these "simple" little rules and us mods do our part...anyones kids could come here and read without worrying what their children are seeing/reading. Like Jr., you know the rules (your not stupid smirk.gif) and have to be willing to suffer the consequences! wink.gif

BTW...thanks! grin.gif

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Re: This is why Junior got fined. Complaint filed.

You know, Junior probably wouldn't have gotten a points deduction if there weren't so many "favorite driver" folks out there. By that I mean everytime something happens to Junior, he's "NASCAR's favorite".

The real favorite of NASCAR is Tony Stewart. He SHOULD have been suspended for punching Vickers, like Spencer did. But, because Junior is NASCAR's most popular driver, and biggest star, most Junior dislikers always say that he is NASCAR's favorite. I think keeping them shut up is a big reason why points were taken off.

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