My house got broke into.


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Put my bird feeders out a couple weeks ago, started getting a nice variety of birds coming around to it finally.I filled them a couple days ago and came home, they were all empty.Figured the wind did it so I just refilled em, by the time I got up the next morning 3/4 of them were empty again.I sat and watched the awhile and pretty soon the squirrels started coming over and climbing up and tossing the feed out trying to get the sunflower seeds out.

My feeders are on a metal clothesline pole i didnt realize the sqirrels could climb.I studied it for awhile, took a jar of vasoline out and smeared it on the top 1/2 of the pole, for a week the squirrels couldnt get up there, they get part way and fall off grin.gif

2 days ago i notice my birdseed bags been chewed open on the back porch.I figure its mice and plan on sewtting a trap which i never got done.Anyway, i like watching the squirrels, but birdseeds expensive so i decide to make a squirrel feeder for em.I make that the same night and set it out on the backporch up on the freezer with an ear of corn to put in it.This morning i go back out, and theres more birdseed all over the floor.I start looking closer and the ear of corns gone from the freezer confused.gifFinally i notice a 3 inch hole chewed through the screen behind the freezer shocked.gifI start thinking about it and realize what has happened.

I prop the door open to get a breeze through here sometimes.Apparentrly a curious squirrel came in and found the birdseed.Then he found the ear of corn yesterday.Apparently while he was in the process of robbing me the door blew shut behind him.The squirrel musta got up on the freezer, chewed an escape hole through the screen, took his ear of corn, and made his getaway grin.gifgrin.gif

As much as i like watching them, if theyre gonna break into the house for food im gonna have to tell my kid to go ahead and get his pellet gun out and thin em out.I got the feeder done today, hopefully thatll keep em outside where they belong LOL.

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Re: My house got broke into.

LOL those blasted squirrels, i tell ya! crazy.gifgrin.gif they just find anything and everything to get into and munch on. up at my grandma's tourist resort, they would get into the cabins, and chew the pillows and comforters. that was the end of that, i took the lil Browning .22 out and let em have it! tongue.gifgrin.gif

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Re: My house got broke into.

Sounds a little squirrely to me... tongue.gif

We had a lot of problems with that in Maryland too. Had to keep the birdseed in locked matal bins to keep the squirrels out.

In California we had lots of problems with ground squirrels and had to shoot a ton of them...just used an old Ben Franklin .22 Pellet gun since we were in a suburb of Sacramento and we couldn't use any firearms. It's the fastest, non CO2, air gun Ive ever used...took out those squirrels as far as 40 yards grin.gif...never tried any farther tongue.gif.

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Re: My house got broke into.

The squirrels are a pain in the butt. We feed the birds year round and the the squirrels eat from the feeders before the birds get there even though they have their own feeder. Now they have figured out that the seed is stored in the shed and they open the metal trash can lid and get the seed directly from there. Come squirrel season they will be thinned out.


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Re: My house got broke into.

I've staked a few to the ground when bowhunting. I have a couple broadheads and a couple field points in my hunting quiver. Camp meat.

I had a buddy that used to get so ticked at them narcing him out to the deer, he'd tour his deer hunting area with an 870 and a single six after deer season and thin them out, called it "chatter splatter."

I shoot the 13 striped ground squirrels with a pellet gun around the yard. Good preseason practice.


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