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this year i planted a small foodplot and it seemed to work great to draw the deer into and area that i wanted them to be in...the only problem was that they stopped using it during the late afternoon and my trail camera gave me proofnow that they were only using it around midnight...what can i do to get them to keep using it again during mid day. confused.gif

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Re: foodplots

that is the tough part of hunting food plots---unless they feel very comfortable on the plot they will only use it at night. there is a big difference between a hunting plot and a feeding plot. hunting plots are usually smaller 1/4 to 1/2 acre and made next to thick cover--that way the deer feel very secure and have a good escape route to avoid predation--and that includes you.

It is very easy to over hunt a food plot---only hunt it when the wind is right and don't hunt it too often. Another good option is to figure out where the deer are bedding and try to set up a stand between the bedding area and the food plot. A great place to ambush them on an evening hunt.

good luck


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Re: foodplots

Todd is right on cutting them off between the food plot and the bedding area. I also do not go into the food plot anytime other than midday. And then only if I have to. I will hunt back in the woods where i can see bits and pieces of the plot but I can ease out of the area without spooking the deer on the plot. I will also leave a food plot alone if this happens for about 3 weeks so the deer will feel safe in the daylight again. We have a long season and I have plenty of small plots to move around to. The best way to get them coming in late is to keep walking through it after getting down from your stand. Do whatever you have to so this does not happen. Good luck.

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Re: foodplots

We had the same problem, only at night so we figured we were wasting our time...WRONG. The bucks were staying on our property more. The previous record for buck kills on our propety was two. This year we got four and missed two others. The food plot will keep them in the area...TRUST ME!


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