Food Plot...please help


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Re: Food Plot...please help

I'm not bashing biologic---I know a lot of people have had good luck with some of their blends but I have never had any luck with their Full Draw Blend. My brother picked up a few bags on clearance at Wal-mart. I planted it in a small plot next to another brassica/winter mix made by Hamann Farms---the deer ate the Hamann Farms to the ground and never touched the brassicas in the Full Draw. You're also not going to really produce "bigger bucks" with winter annuals like Full Draw---you need to provide a good perennial plot with clover, trefoil, chicory, alfalfa--the plants need to be available while the bucks are growing their antlers. Check out the Hamann Farms web-site he has several blends---my favorite is the Fall Blend. Now would be a great time to get your plots prepped--sprayed several times during the summer with roundup to kill off all competing weeds/grasses and to get a soil sample to see if you need to apply lime.

good luck


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