crazy racoon


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i set my trail camera out, and when i came back a month later it had been moved all the way around several times...i first thought it might have been a buck just being curious as to what it was, but when i got the pictures developed it was a try and scan some and show you this crazy coon hanging on my camera and moving it wink.gif

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Re: crazy racoon

LOL yeah they are hilarious! grin.gif they always get into the garbage at my grandma's place. my uncle guides bear hunts and people from the states come up to hunt. one time there was a coon in the oak tree in the driveway and the bear hunter stuck him with a crossbow, that was the end of that one! grin.gif

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Re: crazy racoon

lol, sometime in october i was looking for my arrow, and i heard a growl and i jumped back, and i saw 4 figures running under this brush pile, and then i saw them come up the tree, and i was about 25 yards from one so i pulled out my worst arrow and shot at it in the tree and and dropped it with a clean shot right through the heart. i skinned it out and got 15 bucks for the pelt and put the rest in front of my trail cam and got some good pictures of some worked out great!

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