Help to clean up a skull?


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Re: Help to clean up a skull?

submerge it in a bucket full of water outside, (antlers covered to protect them from rain, sun etc) and change the water about once a week. The first few changes use a brush to get the scraps off and after teh first week that hide should come off easily. Once the skull is clean rinse it off, and bleach it out with whatever technique you are comfortable with.(I am not good at that part, i tried bleach and soaked too long, and i think i didn't leave peroxide long enough since it isn't very white.).

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Re: Help to clean up a skull?


You WANT the bacteria. That's what causes the tissues to break down.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really dont think thats going to matter here. He said he has a little hide left on the skull. The water alone will soften up the hide enough to remove. As far as the final stage in cleaning and removing all meat, TISSUE, and fat you will need to boil the skull out in Sal soda for a good cleaning. Bacteria or no bacteria you need to boil it out.

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Re: Help to clean up a skull?

slow way- get a sharp knife and scrap off as much as you can, then bury it about 1 1/2 or 2 feet in the ground, the organisms in the ground will have it cleaned off in no time.

fast way- boil it with salt water but outside! or else it stinks bad! me.. then take it out of the water and scrap off as much as you can, then boil again, and keep doing that until it is really clean, then soak the skull in bleach for a lil while then if necessary boil again and scrap it off and bleach a a second time.

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