The Flu Shot?!?!


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Ok, maybe god has blessed me with better health and I just dont comprehend the fear others are feeling?! I have never had a flu shot or even thought about getting one. I get sick about once every 2-3 years and getting poked with a needle seems like a bad trade.

Its all over the news and people are actually waiting in line for 7+ hours for the shot. I understand the elderly and possibly children need it but everyone is making a HUGE deal out of the shortage. There is a shortage every year, I know its not of this proportion, but people are acting as if a huge meteor is hurling toward the earth as we speak!

Am I wrong about this? Enlighten me....

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

I have been getting a flu shot ever since I developed this heart problem of mine. If I would get a real bad case of flu, it could be real tough on me. Before that I never took a flu shot.

I will get mine through the VA!

The media is full of it as always!!! mad.gifmad.gif

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!


I just dont comprehend the fear others are feeling?!

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I agree that the media likes to feed on peoples' fears. It also wouldn't surprise me if the drug companies were behind some of this. Didn't they have a shortage last year too?? Must help keep the cost of having the shots way up! I have never had the shot, I don't often get sick, so there is no need for it. I would rather spend my time taking care of my body then waiting in line for a shot!

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

Have not gotten one dont plan to. My wife is a nurse and last year after the announced shortage several of her co workers took the shot and got really bad sick after the shot. Bad thing is some of those same nurses also ended up getting the symptoms most commonly associated with the flu.

Really I hate to say it, but I think these drug companies are intentionally putting these worries out there to get more people scared and rushing to get the shots and this is nothing more than an exploitation of the American people. I remember last year after all the chaos they seemed to discover that there was a stockpile of good flu vaccine found that they ended up using.

Of all the folks who have flu like symptoms not all really have the flu and the flu is not what kills people, but is instead complications of the flu such as pneumonia. Other illnesses also lead to similar types of health problems and the flu is so vague I think it is a possiblity that more deaths are pinned to the flu than there might really be.

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!


you nailed it about the media. Big deal, people will get sick, some will die, but if the flu kills you i hate to say it but it may be your time to go.

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I wonder if you would feel that way if this was your wife, your parents, or even your child confused.gifconfused.gif

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

It is a sad reality but people die. We have gone to far as a society IMO as far as trying to prevent every little thing. Treat heart problems, cancers etc. but accept that there are limits. If you want a flu shot go get one, but personally if i get to the point where the flu will kill me i will accept that it is my time. I am not saying everone has to believe this, its just my view and what i want for me.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

I heard on the radio that 36,000 people died of the flu last year. I've been getting them for the past few years & have not had flu or evern a cold.

Any of you heard of the Spanish Influenza ??? It killed more people than WW1. Kind of wierd but I've been to cementries out here---just to look around at the tombstones. Dang it wiped out almost entire towns.

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

It's a feeding frenzy. There is no justification for everyone getting a flu shot. Statistically less than 1% of at risk people die from the flu, most from complications (namely pneumonia). The CDC and the news media really hype up the need for flu shots, but in reality, why would anyone have a foreign substance injected into their body. After the flu shot shortage and recalls of the last couple of years and the likelyhood of the vacine not even covering the flu strain that is prevalent in any given year, I have to think that for most people it is a waste of time and money. If one is that worried about getting sick, maybe they should live in a bubble. Your chance of dying from the flu is considerably less than the chance of getting struck by lightning or dying from a fall in the bath tub. A little common sense would go a long way.

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Re: The Flu Shot?!?!

There is definitely a shortage, but there would NOT be if people weren't ignorant.

The influenza vaccine prevents a respiratory viral illness. What people commonly think of the "flu," a combination of symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea is different altogether. The flu shot does NOT prevent this. It is also IMPOSSIBLE to get sick from the influenza vaccine, other than a little injection site reaction and possibly a slight general feeling of malaise for a short period of time.

The "stomach flu" is generally one of two things and people never realize it. It's either mild bacterial food poisoning of some sort, or one of various stomach viruses. It will not be prevented by the influenza vaccine. (Though if you have one and your body is fighting it off, you may be vulnerable to the other simply because your immune system is working overtime.)

The well-meaning, but all too often uninformed public continue to misunderstand. You ONLY need the flu shot if you're young, old, or have a compromised immune system. The CDC guidelines on this are absolutely right and I was proud that President Bush repeated them for the public. Maybe sooner or later, they'll get it--but I won't hold my breath.

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