Great Weekend!!!!


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Headed out Friday at noon with Megan and Ty-took in the PBR Challenger event in Saskatoon(awesome win by Matt Roy). Headed south to bro-in laws for night and Ty and I headed out early looking for sheds-we hiked our old bowhunting haunts and found a nice 9x6 set of mulie sheds-the six point side had one busted off and one ummeasureable-guess who were after in archery. Then we found a couple more sheds plus something I've never found before-a skull of a buck who'd shed his horns-weird looking. We saw two bucks still packing horns too. Picked up Megan and went back out to check some yards and fields-she found her first shed and Ty found a 60 inch whitetail shed and another muley-I found a muley shed too. Found a set of fresh moose tracks in an old homestead and showed them to Ty-when we came out other side Megan said a cow and two calves almost ran her over-we followed them and got some great pics. Headed into the rodeo and Ty got on his bull-was spinning away from his hand and he didn't quite get him covered-still all in all a great day with the 8 sheds we found plus some good times.

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