GA bird down for Longbeards Ghost


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Well guys I finally got a birds yesterday morning! Well here goes the story. I was hunting with my dad's boss and we decided Friday night that we would set up on this ridge and wait there for the birds to come to this particular area. we didn't hear any bird on the roost so we got set up at about 6:50. We had already decided that we were not going to call too much maybe avery 25- 30 min or so and soft. well after about 45 min i decide i was going to get a little excited on my diaphram when i hear what we thought was a hen start cutting up a storm! so i cut back at her and finally she shut up and i saw a bird at the top of the ridge working its way down to us. well i try getting my gun up and he turns a putts off to our right. i give some more yelps and clucks and purrs and he's hanging on just over the ridge. i can see his head every now and again. well my dad's boss tells me to crawl up the ridge just a little to get a shot and the bird turns to come in to the decoys. i let the bird make his way to us and i come to my knees and shoot. he jumps and turns and just stands there and i'm thinking how the heck did i miss! well i get out from behind a tree that was in front of me and shoot again and folds him. I think my dad's boss was happier than i was!! grin.gif we started high fiving and laughing laugh.gif it's not a big bird just a small jake but it's only my second and it is still a trophy to me and meat on the table.

Borch is posting my pictures for the contest. Thanks alot borch!! grin.gif

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