Rotator Cuff injury?????


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I am freaked out about this hearing it happening more and more lately.

Heres my situation.

I was playing around with the kids a few weeks ago and I think, or thought, I "threw my shoulder out" tossing things around with the kids.

Over the pasty few weeks I could feel something in there but not bad at all and wrote it off.

Last Friday I decided to pull my archery stuff out of winter storage and I shot maybe 12 arrows.

Saturday I shot about 10 dozen out of my compund and recurve and my shoulder was pretty sore that evening, but not while I was shooting. I figured it to be somewhat normal since I just started shooting again.

Sunday I shot a bit with VermontHunter and had to stop about an hour into our shooting. It was hurting pretty bad during the shoot.

That evening I could barely lift a 16 oz. bottle of water and this morning wasn't much better.

Today I have some pain but decent full range movement.

I suppose getting it checked out would be the best but I figured I could get a few guys on here to tell me what they think from their ordeal.


Now I realize I am just starting back up and the muscles would be sore but I have never felt like this. Within a few days I am back to form and have no issues at all.

The thing is I have been feeling the "thrown shoulder" thingy for weeks before this but did not pay it any mind. Even while shooting I feel ok, its the afterwards thats hammering me.

What does a rotator cuff injury feel like?

Would I be able to shoot if I had one?

Or would it be to bad to even draw back?

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

you could still shoot and it get really sore after shooting with a rotator cuff injury. i bet you just have bursitis right now---I originally had mine flare up before last season. went to the orthopod about 6 weeks ago--he diagnosed bursitis and did a cortisone injection in my shoulder--took about 2 weeks but after that I was pain free in that shoulder for the first time in 4 months.

Rest---take some NSAIDS like advil---600mg three times a day. Give it a week---then slowly start doing some shoulder exercises--if it continues to bother you then I would go see a physician.

good luck


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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

Thanks Doc, I am just a bit freaked is all. It just feels deeper then just sore muscles and I would die if I could not shoot anymore.

Especially since I just started making my own bows last summer.

How bad would that suck.... (???)

I will take it easy for now.

But dang turkey season is in a few weeks. I plan on using a shot gun, not a bow, but it could still hurt...

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

Both of my shoulders have "impinged" rotator cuff joints due to injuries sustained at work over the years and I still bowhunt,,,, almost every day of the season and practice quite a bit too. I did have to crank the poundage down a little bit on the bow to make it a tad bit easier but it hasn't slowed me down. My shoulder does get really sore sometimes, and every once in a great while the orthopedic surgeon will inject my joint with cortisone. The injections work like a miracle, for a while anyway, but you just have to be careful about getting injected too often. If I were you I'd go see your physician just to get it checked out,,, it's probably something very minor.

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

Dang, Shawn you really didn't have to shoot the other day you know, even with the sore shoulder you were killing that target at 30 yrds....Maybe someday me and my Alpine will be able to shoot like that.... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Atleast we got that box blind moved, all 15' high of it,,,mighty nice monuvering with the tractor Bro.....

Get that shoulder looked at or atleast rest it up for awhile,,I could tell it was bothering you big time... frown.giffrown.gif....

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

Luke-Thanks and Thanks. It was quite a project for a bit huh. 15' high box stand on the front of the tractor..

Dave-I was shooting my recurve mostly which I can't figure out how to lower yet. Still new... LOL

I was not having an prob pulling back at all, but still I maybe should not of been shooting.


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Guest antlers21

Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

Last summer I injured my shoulder while trenching in some cable and my shoulder would pop and when sitting in a bow stand my hands would go numb. I went to the doctor for about 6 months and after all the muscle relaxors and pain killer it finally went away. A little pinched nerve caused me many months of pain and a miserable bow season but at least it wasn't serious. I am so looking forward to hunting this year. grin.gif

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

I've got one of them gimped up shoulders too. It's been bothering me for a good 7 or 8 years now. It seems to be getting a bit better the last year.

I have to limit my shooting too. It's the one of the biggest reasons I have never gotten into 3D shooting in a serious way, other than go through the range every now and then, just for fun.

I hope it gets better for you.

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

I injured my rotator cuff in my right shoulder back about 1995 or so. They said there was a real slight tear in it. I had therapy for about 5 months, and it got a little better, but not real good.

It was so sore at times, that I could barely raise my arm. But, I toughed it out, and skipped the surgery.

Sometimes, even these days, it still bothers me a bit. But, I continued bowhunting through it all. I just don't shoot as much as some folks do.

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Re: Rotator Cuff injury?????

My opinion is to go get it checked out right away.

I injured my shoulder at work about 10 years ago, never had it looked at. Arthritis set in and destroyed it, I had to have a complete shoulder replacement.

It was not a good thing at all frown.gif Maybe if I would have had it looked at, I might of avoided this. Please make the attempt to have it checked smile.gif


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