
Guest lilbuckmaster

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Guest lilbuckmaster

I went hunting over the weekened and a big tom came in but he wasn't coming my way so called he looked right at my decoy and just ignored it what can I do to make them come in closer?

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Guest ketchum

Re: turkey

In my experience, after a tom see's the decoy and don't come in. He wants it the decoy to come to him. Thats why I don't use decoys any more. I have killed very few birds using decoys. I have killed dozens without a decoy. Thats my experience.

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Re: turkey


In my experience, after a tom see's the decoy and don't come in. He wants it the decoy to come to him. Thats why I don't use decoys any more. I have killed very few birds using decoys. I have killed dozens without a decoy. Thats my experience.

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Pretty much my experience as well. They work well early in thw season and when toms are still establishing dominance. Otherwise, jakes and 2 year old birds tend to respond throughout the season(especially the jakes). I rarely use them anymore and it's gone a lot smoother for me.


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