20 gauge pattern


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Re: 20 gauge pattern

First off, why do people call improved cylinder choke improved choke? I have no clue. There is improved cylinder and improved modified. They are two very different chokes.

Anyhoo, the improved cylinder, or IC choke is way too open for turkey hunting. Modified choke is better, but full choke is better yet. using modified choke, you should keep your shots under 30 yards. The pellets have more than enough power to cleanly kill much farther than that, but the pattern density can not guarantee adequate hits with a more open choke. Remington does make a turkey choke in 20 ga that is for Hevi Shot.

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Re: 20 gauge pattern

AJ, the reason I'm asking about Hevi shot, the gun Has a improved BARREL. Just wondering if hevishot would give a good pattern under 30 yards before I spend 20 dollars on the hevi shot I know lead would not pattern well enough just thought Hevi shot might be better. Thanks

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Re: 20 gauge pattern


AJ, the reason I'm asking about Hevi shot, the gun Has a improved BARREL. Just wondering if hevishot would give a good pattern under 30 yards before I spend 20 dollars on the hevi shot I know lead would not pattern well enough just thought Hevi shot might be better. Thanks

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You could always pattern it with your selected load. That's what I would do.

A 20 gauge with an improved cylinder barrel---you better get that turkey close, like 20 yards close. wink.gif

Pattern it at 20 yards and see what kind of hits you get.

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