New Whisker Biscuit??


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What do you guys think of the new whisker biscuit?? My proshop guy has me about talked into trying one and still am not quite sure. I shoot feathers and I am somewhat concerned about the life of my fletchings. He stated that the new generation whisker biscuit has much softer bristles made to not damage fletchings as bad. He also said that he had some guys use them and agree. Anyone?? Pros and Cons?? Thanks

Whisker Biscuit

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Guest kracey

Re: New Whisker Biscuit??

I have the old model and love it. When my old one needs to be replaced. I'll just replace it with the newest style. But other than that I love my old one. Shot probably around 300 arrows before I noticed any fletching messing up (and all it is is wrinkled) and they still shoot the same wrinkled so I dont know what the big deal is. Give them a try im sure you'll love them.

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Guest antlers21

Re: New Whisker Biscuit??

All I shoot is feathers and I never had any problems with them yet. I used one for two years but I went to a drop away this year. the buisket is a great rest!

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Re: New Whisker Biscuit??

I'm a new biscut user i just changed about a month or so ago......the first one i had put on broke there was a bubble or something in the plastic ring it broke and it ended up braking by the base...... it was replaced at no cost and i've really liked mine ever since shoots great and no problems


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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: New Whisker Biscuit??

I wouldnt trade mine for any other rest. I love it! It is soooo easy to shoot.You never have to worry about your arrow falling off when it game time.

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