Look at who i caught!

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Re: Look at who i caught!


HA! Now you got him. Turn his pic in to the police or game warden. And he's not even wearing a hunting liscense. shocked.gifgrin.gif

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Gobbler, Not every state requires hunters to wear licenses. Minnesota hasn't required it for well over twenty years.

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Re: Look at who i caught!


Blow up a picture of this a$$ and post it on a bright orange post in this area with a sign that says "smile ****6543, you're on candid camera....and the game wardens are after you. Get off my land".

That should do the trick!


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It will also enable him, or anyone else who stumbles upon the bright orange sign and photograph, to approximate where the trail cam is. Good idea, but I'd suggest relocating the trail camera.

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Re: Look at who i caught!



HA! Now you got him. Turn his pic in to the police or game warden. And he's not even wearing a hunting liscense. shocked.gifgrin.gif

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Gobbler, Not every state requires hunters to wear licenses. Minnesota hasn't required it for well over twenty years.

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Does he have a flo. orange hat on? If so why would a poacher be wearing a flo. orange hat???

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Re: Look at who i caught!


Think he's lost????????

O.K. definitely not... call the DNR, see if they can't help... better yet, post the pic in all the local taverns (as a wanted sign)... add, be on the look out for this tresspasser.

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Brilliant! Absolutly brilliant!

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Re: Look at who i caught!



Think he's lost????????

O.K. definitely not... call the DNR, see if they can't help... better yet, post the pic in all the local taverns (as a wanted sign)... add, be on the look out for this tresspasser.

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Brilliant! Absolutly brilliant!

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If your going to do that, make sure you move your camera to a different location, or he'll come back to steal it.

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