Look at who i caught!

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Re: Look at who i caught!




Think he's lost????????

O.K. definitely not... call the DNR, see if they can't help... better yet, post the pic in all the local taverns (as a wanted sign)... add, be on the look out for this tresspasser.

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Brilliant! Absolutly brilliant!

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If your going to do that, make sure you move your camera to a different location, or he'll come back to steal it.

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Or just shoot your camera right then and there. grin.gif

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Re: Look at who i caught!


haha, you guys are funny...ill just wait for him to come by and ill be hiding in a bush then jump out and tackle him..lol

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and hopefully he is not a martial artist or a former wrestler or maybe 3 times your size, parolee, 2 time violent offender waiting for the third strike, someone hiding from the police in the woods, someone comtemplating suicide with the gun that he walked off into the woods with. Don't take this the wrong way guys, but man, don't confront a man carrying a firearm with violence. Thats what law enforcement officers do...and some of them pay dearly for it Officers that have paid dearly

Use caution here. Remember it may be your land, but they are not your animals....trespass is a simple violation of the law, in NY it is not even a misdemeanor to simply trespass on someones hunting land. Be careful and make your decisions wisely...they could last a lifetime for you or him.

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Re: Look at who i caught!

yeah thats true, but he isnt 3 times my size..lol i dont mean that they are my animals like i own them, but all the work i put into keeping my hunting area good, like foodplots and game managment and all everybody else has done for me, i dont want so stupid idiot out there running around shooting things that i have worked hard to keep up with! your right though thats the last thing i want is to get shot over this but i would like to give the SOB a peice of my mind.

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Re: Look at who i caught!


yeah thats true, but he isnt 3 times my size..lol i dont mean that they are my animals like i own them, but all the work i put into keeping my hunting area good, like foodplots and game managment and all everybody else has done for me, i dont want so stupid idiot out there running around shooting things that i have worked hard to keep up with! your right though thats the last thing i want is to get shot over this but i would like to give the SOB a peice of my mind.

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That I agree with! grin.gif I didn't mean to come off like I was telling you waht to do, just wanted to let you know the possible dangers of confronting someone in the woods, that may have nothing to lose and may feel threatened by your presence. Just be careful.

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Guest hookedonhunting

Re: Look at who i caught!

he better not walk by me when ive got a gun!! lol!!!!!

just kiddin but do something to keep him off your property!

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Re: Look at who i caught!

Not much you can do. We've had tresspassers before. One year turkey hunting we had 4 kids on ATV's driving on our trails. They got scared and booked.. too bad theres no where for them to go so they came back to the gate. We just asked them to ask next time. They saw an open gate and figured they could drive right in. We got good results. They typicaly ask us once a year if they can ride our 200 and we just say go ahead just don't tear up the trails and stay out of the food plots. This guy was huntin sumthin. So if you see him again just wait for him or put a not on his truck an ask him to ask the next time or warn him not to enter again or the next time police will be involved.

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