Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great place


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Hey guys: I just wanted to Thank Buckee: Here in the talk forums:

A few weeks ago: I traveled to Saskatchewan and met up with "Sureshot": The only reason I met this great guy is due to these forums.

Bret took me out and led me on a shed hunt that will not be forgotten: He had a picture that Buckee had painted...I contacted Buckee and asked to buy a couple of prints: Well to make a long story short...the prints came yesterday and Buckee not only sent the prints, but also a couple of extras: The Fox print is amazing!!!! Buckee: Thank You!

I'll be back with more, but let me tell you...this guy is a class act!

I had asked to purchase them as a way to promote the realtree talk forums and give Buckee some notice for these great pics! I'll post the news release I am putting out in MN within the next few days......sorry to ramble but I just had to thank ol' Steve...right here:

I am appreciative and very thankful!

Thank You Buckee!


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Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great p

Which ones do you have??? If you haven't seen the fox print you are missing out! It is my new favorite: sorry to obsess on that one, rather then "Busted" and "Woodie" but the they were great too! I hadn't seen the fox and was impressed by the pic!

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Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great p

Steve is great... there's no doubt about it. He will bend over backwards to help a guy out, and has patience like no other... but watch your back, no telling when he might be working on a photo chop to embarass a forum member (lol). JK, and BTW, I would love to see a few of those pics.

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Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great p

Yep. We've told Sherm to do that painting full time, but he always has some excuse about "inspiration" or "doesn't pay the bills." Pretty lame if you ask me. wink.gifgrin.gif

Just teasin' ya' Sherm.

You haven't posted any pics in a bit, how about a few?

Anything new in the last year or so?

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Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great p

Totally have to agree with every statement made,,,,Steve is a great guy for sure and the forums definately wouldn't be the same without his humour and presence.... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Now I want to see some of these paintings,,,the wife is redoing the livingroom and it sounds like I may have found a source for some great art work,,,, smile.gifsmile.gif

Come on Steve post a few so we all can enjoy your talents....PLEASE !!!

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Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great p

GEESH blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif

Your bad Tony ..LOL

I haven't done any paintings in about 4 or 5 years now. And the guys are right, I'm full of excuses. blush.gif

Ever since I started my own house painting business, I have been in a different sort of space as far as being creative.

Maybe one of these days, I can get it back. I do have some ideas for paintings floating around in my head. blush.gif

I've always painted for me, friends and family members and never really considered doing it for profit. A few years ago, when Norm was trying to raise money for the Disabled Hunter's of North America, I thought, what the heck, lets see what I can do to raise some money. That's how I got my art seen by others besides family and friends.

I won't try to use the forums as an avenue to sell my art bescause it's against the board rules in here, and I'm not exempt, just because I'm a moderator.

I'll post a few pictures for our new members who haven't seen my work...now that you dragged me out of the closet TONY. ...geesh:p blush.gif ...LOL

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