My eyes didn't fall out!!


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Well 9 days post op, and i had my check up and the protective contact lenses removed. I could not have the fast relatively painless LASIK surgery so the recovery took longer and hurt. Not enough to use the drugs they gave me, but enough to be a big annoyance. Since i have to grow a new cornea i was told before hand that my vision would be good immediately post op, then get fuzzy, then steadily improve as the new tissue clarifies and matured. They told me by this point to expect great improvement, but vision in the 20/60 range(way better than i started with). Today i have 20/30, and 20/35. laugh.gif So i am already legal to drive no glasses, and see quite well. At my one month checkup i should be 20/20 or better since i am progressing so well. Not a fun week, and watching someone scrape off your cornea is a bit scary, but glad i did the research and went to the best place. It is great to get up in the morning and not have to get my glasses so i can find the shower!

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