Road Rage


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OK, how many of you partake in this unsafe practice grin.gif

Honestly, I drive pretty much the speed limit but I am one who is guilty at getting mad when someone cuts me off, doesn't yield or tailgating me. I feel like taking my truck and ramming people in the front end when they do this. All yeah, I can't stand people who think they are cool and blare their music (usually rap) and stare at you when your stopped at a red light while they are slouched down in their seat. Of course I stare back while blaring my country and rock music grin.gif I think they need to have their lincense revoked for such actions!

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Re: Road Rage

Yup, Ive got road rage. I hate it when people drive 55 or slower in a 55 and you cant get around them. I like to go a little faster that the speed limit. I also hate it when I have to break my cruise control for some idiot who pulls out in front of me and takes them 10 miles to get up to speed. Another thing that drives me crazy is when i have my cruise control set, i catch somebody, pass them, then they decide to go a little faster and ride my tailgate. One time at night some girl in a little cavalier decided to ride my tailgate so close i couldnt see her headlights. I even hit my brakes to try to get her off but she just rode closer. So once she passed me, there was a car in front of me she got behind so i pulled the ole 2500HD right on her rear bumper and gave her the headlight in the back window treatment. She had to adjust her mirrors from the light. I know its unsafe but sometimes I get so worked up I cant control it.

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Re: Road Rage

I drive for a living.

I drive all day long.

I drive in town........all day long.

I have seen it all.

You would not want your kids to ride with me.

I would expand their vocabulary exponentially in one day.

I think justified road rage should be legalized. grin.gif

Some people really deserve it.

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Guest DaHunter

Re: Road Rage

Yea i have deffinitly been guilty of speedin while passin some little rice Then you gotta love the little punks who try and impress you with turning their factory radios up...which sounds BAD. Or reving up at the stop light, when they have a kia or hyundia.haha. Course i give them the satisfaction of going too there level, turning my amp and subwoofers up! and smokin them,lol. Hey what you want from me i'm 19.

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Re: Road Rage

Yep grin.gif

There is a 200 yrd stretch of road that I have to navigate every morning while driving my wife to work.

It's a left hand turn into 2 lanes. You have the option of chosing which lane you want as you make the turn, because if you are heading to the Super-store (where my wife works), you only have 200 yrds before your right hand exit into the Parking lot.

The people coming straight at you and turning right off of the highway into my lane, have a huge YIELD sign. Their lane is entering a two lane highway, right there at the turn. They are supposed to YIELD to us turning into that lane and from traffic coming straight through the light.

Every morning, just like clock-work. it is rare to see anyone even look, nevermind yield when we have the left turn light in our favour.

It's like everyone is asleep at the wheel in the mornings there. grin.gif

I gotta admit, I don't fool around there. I take my right of way, whether they like it or not, but I have both eyes open, and I'm not out to get into an accident....LOL

I get a lot of honking and fingers, but it's worth it...LOL

I don't get nastey with my lips or make any jestures, accept the odd time I'll be up against someones front drivers side bumper and throw my hands in the air and shake my head...LOL smile.gif

I really wish they'd put a flashing yellow light with that YIELD sign. grin.gif

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Re: Road Rage

i am guilty as **** when it comes to being and getting pissed off when people drive stupid. i have chased a person down for flipping me off and reached inside a truck door window and grabbed a guy and pulled him out of the truck. one that fl;ipped me off was fixing to get out of the turck and i stepped out and asked him before he could think if it was a good idea to flip someone off and all over who was at the stop sight first. i was but when i caught him and aksed him why he flipped me off and he actually said there was no good reason i didn't do it too him whe i thought i should of gone thru first and why he flippe dme off and i asked him if he was wanting to go at it. he apologised and i think maybe he got embaressed because he realized he had done it the wrong way.

i have gotten a little better but but every now and then i get that big red streak up my neck and i can do soem stupid things when people do stupid things and it is a sad state of affairs tog et that mad but it goes back to the year 1969 and a place called vietnam republic of

rob k

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Re: Road Rage

Yeah, i'll admit it, i can get pretty cheesed off at some stupid stuff that some drivers do... mad.gifgrin.gif i'm 18, so i do tend to go a little over the speed limit grin.gif nothing TOO rediculous, but i usually dont drive the speed limit, no one does up here, the speed limits are rediculous!! crazy.gif but if i get stuck behind a slow driver and cant pass i get ticked off. the thing that really gets me going though, is when i am driving on one of the 400 series highways (same as interstates) and i have the cruise set, someone passes me, then gets into the lane i'm in, and drives slower than my cruise speed. rush hour traffic is another thing that i get kinda ticked off in lol. i always say "why the heck, cant everyone drive the same speed, we'd all be moving faster!" grin.gif Ottawa in rush hour can be pretty hectic. there is this one section on the 417 where the 416 connects with the 417, so two 4-lane highways trying to merge onto one..... crazy.gif and further east in the city there is 3 lanes for each direction, and where the merge is, theres only 2 lanes for each direction confused.gif so of course its going to get congested there at rush hour. they have to do some major changes on that highway. Toronto rush hour is 10x worse than Ottawa's, NEVER, EVER get caught in Toronto in rush hour!! crazy.gif But yeah, another thing i don't like is the little punks in their stupid rice rockets, honda civics etc.... and act all tough, driving aggresively, stereo blaring, smokin the tires at intersections, that kind of stuff. if i am in my dad's car (2003 Chrysler 300M Special) i'll pull out and dust them grin.gif thats about the worst i do in the car, i dont get so mad that i give someone the single finger salute or something. if someone is driving stupid, i tend to swear under my breath at them grin.gif mom tells me i am just like my dad, same attitude, patience level and personality. i can definetly agree with that! laugh.gif

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Re: Road Rage

I do get pretty irritated when someone rides my bumper or does something stupid that could casue me to be involved in an accident, especially when my kids are in the vehicle with me. There are some non driving fools around here who should not be on the road.

As far as retaliation, we have had to call the local police dept and reported one individual who speeds through the school parking lot and who drives extremely carelesly.

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Re: Road Rage

Oh sure, some people are inconsiderate, and the occasional road rage incident will happen with me, but really, when it comes down to it, there are bigger things in life than losing a minute or two getting to the place where you are going. I don't let it bother me too much anymore.

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Re: Road Rage

I try not to let it bother me when my children are with me. About the only things that I can't stand is getting tailgated so close I can't see their headlights (which I'll slow down about 10 MPH under the speed limit) or getting cut off. I just don't see why so many people have to be in such a hurry that risking someone else's safety is worth it... confused.gif

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Re: Road Rage


if its posted 70 it really means

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Same as up here in Canada.... people go 110 in an 80, 120 in a 90 and 130 in a 100.... at least! crazy.gif in Toronto, if you arent going 140 or 150, you get run off the road! shocked.gif ...before you all call me crazy, those speed limits are in KPH! wink.gifgrin.gif

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