Road Rage


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Re: Road Rage



Yup, Ive got road rage. I hate it when people drive 55 or slower in a 55 and you cant get around them. I like to go a little faster that the speed limit. I also hate it when I have to break my cruise control for some idiot who pulls out in front of me and takes them 10 miles to get up to speed. Another thing that drives me crazy is when i have my cruise control set, i catch somebody, pass them, then they decide to go a little faster and ride my tailgate. One time at night some girl in a little cavalier decided to ride my tailgate so close i couldnt see her headlights. I even hit my brakes to try to get her off but she just rode closer. So once she passed me, there was a car in front of me she got behind so i pulled the ole 2500HD right on her rear bumper and gave her the headlight in the back window treatment. She had to adjust her mirrors from the light. I know its unsafe but sometimes I get so worked up I cant control it.

[/ QUOTE ]I agree with you,you must drive towards flint huh.Flintoids are the worst drivers i have encoutered yet,Next to Ohio offense to you Buckeyes .........but learn how to drive when you come to Michigan if its posted 70 it really means grin.gif

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Sorry Mike. Us Buckeyes have been thoroughly trained to be ticketed at anything 5 miles over the limit. Ohio troopers are the worst that I've ever known, and I've driven quite a bit over the years.

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Re: Road Rage


I drive for a living.

I drive all day long.

I drive in town........all day long.

I have seen it all.

You would not want your kids to ride with me.

I would expand their vocabulary exponentially in one day.

I think justified road rage should be legalized. grin.gif

Some people really deserve it.

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What he said.

I'm a truck driver for a living so I've seen it all, and used just about every word in the book, too.

Nick if you think your bad, you should see the peoples eyes bug outof thier skulls when they look in thier rearview and the only thing they see is the word International staring them back.

The one thing I can't stand is when someone sees me coming and figures they better pull out so they don't get stuck beind a rig........WHAT ARE THWY THINKING........I'm not going any slower then any other vehicle out there and I guarantee if I hit the it will hurt them more then it will me.

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Re: Road Rage

Me? Road Rage? smirk.gif

If it weren't for the road rage...I would be wound up tighter than a twisted rubber band!!!

Sometimes I think people purposely mess with the meanest person they can find to see how long it takes before he loses all control... and twists thier fool head off and hands it to them on a hubcap!

It should be legal to shoot some fools...and I'll leave it at that.. mad.gif

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