I need more prayers :(


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Life continue to be brutal for me. Some more problems have come up since 3 weeks ago, and it's like I just can't get above water anymore. 5 weeks til graduation and my life tears apart. I can't go into details on the issue, but just know that this time it is Jenn's parents and not her. She and I are back together, it's just that her mom is causing some major problems now. It's bad guys,

A worn and tried,


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Re: I need more prayers :(

Sorry to hear that YB, but you know what bud...It's times like this in your life that can either make you stronger and your relationship with Jenn stronger ...or tear it down.

It will take the two of you to decide which way it will go.

It's the best advice I can give you both, and I'll pray for you.

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Re: I need more prayers :(

I wish it was more of an "us" issue, but it's her mom trying to keep us apart now and shes treating Jenn really bad. I am talking like hitting her physically, and I can't stand to see it, but Jenn is too scared to call anyone. I am stuck.........I just don't know what to do anymore. I used to feel so strong an solid, and now I just feel like a useless being who can't keep my head above water. I got to take care of her, but what can I do.....

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Re: I need more prayers :(


I wish it was more of an "us" issue, but it's her mom trying to keep us apart now and shes treating Jenn really bad. I am talking like hitting her physically, and I can't stand to see it, but Jenn is too scared to call anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do something man, dont let her get hit. If this is happening frequently, and is more than a slap on the wrist, make it stop. If you have to, call the police. Dont let a parent abuse their kid. I know its hard, but you cant let her get abused.

I know all too well about child abuse, it was happening right next door to me for years.

Kyle, just keep your head up man. Everything will get better, even though it may be rough right now.

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Re: I need more prayers :(

YB, when I was your age I was pretty wild and did a lotta things i shouldnt have, drinking, drugs, stuff like that.When I started seeing my wife she was younger then me, and eventually her parents found out we were going out.Her mother hated me with a passion.She went so far as to threaten to shoot me if I showed up at thier place again.Being young and bulletproof I didnt let it bother me much.Finally one day it all blew up and after a huge fight my wife moved out of her parents house and in with me, they didnt talk for several years but gradually began to patch things up.Were married with 3 kids, and Im the favorite son in law now.

Im not suggesting you guys move out or anything stupid like that so dont get me wrong.But things have a way of working out if theyre meant to.Even if you get this ironed out theres gonna be more hard times, relationships aint easy, escpecially lasting ones.

If Jens moms being physically abusive over something as trivial as who shes dating the lady needs therapy.Unfourtanately its gonna be Jens call, not yours on weather to report it or not frown.gif

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Re: I need more prayers :(

yb it sounds like you need step up like you have a pair and stand up for yourself and if her mother is creating the problems then just hit it head on and don't try to skip around it. you do it now andyour screwed for the rest of your life because you can't be a man ifyour not ready to take it and give it out

rob k

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Re: I need more prayers :(

Sorry to hear this Kyle..... frown.gif i hope stuff gets cleared up with the mother. thats the toughest thing in a relationonship, when the parents are involved. like Norm said, just try and get through school, then worry about it. if you can do that. i'll be prayin for ya bud.

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Re: I need more prayers :(

YB -

I know where you are coming from brother - believe me. My wife went through the same thing. Her parents treated her bad, hated me, and hated knowing that their daughter was with me. One day, while her parents were at work, I packed all her stuff up and moved her in with her aunt. My wife and her parents seem to have patched things up in the last few years, but they still won't drive from TN to VA to see her, which I think sucks big time. Her parents couldn't understand why their daughter wanted to move away from them and stay with me, they said we were making a big mistake by getting married. Well we are going on 14 years, two great kids, nice new house and no bill - other than the mortgage of course and we are in our early 30's so I think that we have done pretty darn well. Her sister still lives with my in-laws, has had and disolved 2 marriages, has 3 children, doesn't want the children, and has no plans on ever trying to better herself is held in a better regard with her parents than my wife.? confused.gif I just don't understand it. My niece is so messed up right now that she is only 6, doesn't want to be with her mother (my wifes sister) and has ulcers! mad.gifmad.gif

Sorry for the rant but like someone already said "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" If it is meant to be IT WILL BE and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. Can she move out of her house? Is she willing to deal with the repercussions(sp?) if she was to move out?

Good luck buddy, prayers are being sent.

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Re: I need more prayers :(


It's times like this in your life that can either make you stronger and your relationship with Jenn stronger ...or tear it down.

It will take the two of you to decide which way it will go.

[/ QUOTE ]

Have to agree with what Steve says here.

On her mother physically hitting her, she needs to talk to someone. Be it a school counselor or whatever. No one not needs to live with that.

Sorry that she is going through this. Will pray for you both, keep us posted.

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