Cousin's First Turkey


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Took my cousin who lives with me on her second turkey hunt ever and she got her first gobbler. We went to my sister’s place, got there about 4, set out a jake and hen decoy about 15 yards away and made a few calls. We found a spot to sit, I got the calls out and made a few more calls, no responders. Sat there a while and every so often I would make a few calls. About 6 she decided she wanted to work the calls so she picked up the box call and the first calls didn’t sound to good, but she got it figured out and I heard a gobble back behind us about 100 yards or so. She did a few more calls and they were getting closer so I told her to give me the calls and get ready. She got situated and I hit the call one more time, I heard some wings flapping and I seen a bird hit the ground about 50 yards to our right in front of us a little. Then 4 more flew in and landed right about the same spot and here they came towards us. They got about 20 yards from us and were gobbling like crazy. Finally they got separated enough to shoot and I told her to shoot the one on the left. KABOOM roared the mossberg 835 and my cousin had her first tom on the ground at 6:30. He had a 6 inch beard and ½ inch spurs, now she is hooked and ready to go back.



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Re: Cousin\'s First Turkey

Thanks again everybody, it was a fun hunt. My sister emailed me earlier and told me that she seen four strutting around in the same field about 7 on her way home. It might have been the other 4 that was with the bird Marissa shot. But I do know there is one longbeard out there because I seen him the other day thru the binos while I was on my way to me sisters house. We are going to go out there again next week, so we will see if I can get the longbeard called in smile.gif

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