stoping deer..


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Re: stoping deer..

Your uncle is far from crazy, I have stopped deer by talking to them before too. The funny thing is it never seems to truly scare them off, the initial noise startles them, but as long as u r still they usually won't go far.

I actually talked to a 6 point during archery season for an extende dperiod of time lol.

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Re: stoping deer..

I cant make a grunt thats worth a crap with my mouth and ont really like to have a call in my mouth while im drawing back so I do kind of a bleat with my mouth.

Last year I had a big 8 pointer come in, my first shooting lane I bleated at him and he kept going, second shooting lane i hollered softly at him and he kept going, last chance I stood up and yelled really loud in the stand, drrew back, and the deer never even looked up confused.gifGuesse he was trailing a doe and didnt have time to stop LOL.

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Guest BuckMaster058

Re: stoping deer..

To tell ya the truth I like when deer are stopped and standing still, and I tried one time what shaun 300 says he does and it does stop them. So the mah mahhh sound is a good idea or a simple grunt.

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Re: stoping deer..

Mouth grunt if necessary. Most times my goal is to be as silent as possible. IMHO, when you stop them with some sort of sound, it puts them on alert, and thus skiddish. I had a doe duck the string last fall when I stopped her. She was on alert already for some reason, and if I had to do it again, I'd have shot at her without grunting even though she was walking.

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Guest kracey

Re: stoping deer..

Never had to yet. They all just come and stand right where I want them to haha. (Knock On Wood). But I would probably ry a mouth grunt or whistle When I finally have to.

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Re: stoping deer..


Mouth grunt if necessary. Most times my goal is to be as silent as possible. IMHO, when you stop them with some sort of sound, it puts them on alert, and thus skiddish. I had a doe duck the string last fall when I stopped her. She was on alert already for some reason, and if I had to do it again, I'd have shot at her without grunting even though she was walking.

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sounds like a timing issue there Chris, maybe save the grunt until you're about to release, most times I do it at the same time. Improves accuracy too, takes you mind off the release.

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