Hey RedBeard


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Your BIO:


To date: 1 grand slam;444 days hunted; 2012.1 hours hunted;624 toms heard;325 toms seen;133 toms called up;167 toms worked; 20 toms missed;74 toms killed;243 jakes seen;828 hens seen

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kiddin me? Man that is AWESOME that you keep records like that! You amaze me!

Thanks for all the advice, tips, and info you have givin all of us! grin.gif

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Re: Hey RedBeard

I appreciate the compliment, as far as tips, the turkeys make a fool outa me every year so I'm happy to share to prevent the same to ya'll. Yeah, those are stats as of the end of 2004, I'll update it come May 16th. As my profile says, I'm a software developer and way back in the 80's I wrote Redbeard's Turkey Tracker. It keeps stats like listed and produces reports such as Success reports, average hours per bird, etc. Best weeks for gobblin', best hours, etc.. Also has a program to record each hunt date and one to record each bird taken. Keeps data such as calls used, huntin' methods. Also has a free form program where I can record tips and rules for turkey huntin' based upon many flubs I've encountered chasin' these birds. Some of those 74 are birds shot by friends but I still record them cuz if they weren't there, I could've done the same.

Lot's of those hours were accumulated when I was self employed and told my clients I'd be gone for 50 some odd days laugh.gif Those were the good ole days, huntin' three or four states. Man, I wish I was still self employed. I hate workin' during turkey season.

It's pretty fun to keep up with, although I still have a computer in the basement the size of a washin' machine. Can't dump it as that's the only computer it runs on, an old IBM System36. I need to have a PC whiz programmer convert it, then maybe I could sell you guys a copy laugh.gif

It also helps me with my participation in the Georgia Turkey Cooperator Program.

DSGB, like I tell all my buds, if you've got birds I'll gladly come over and go without gun, if need be and do my best for ya. Or should ya wish to swap hunts, we can do that too.

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Guest WhiteHead

Re: Hey RedBeard

Hey Guys, This Redbeard is the best story teller around. He is a very good friend and very helpful to an ole half deaf wannabee turkey hunter like me. I can not ever repay this man for all the kindness he has showered on me, and he is a true turkey hunter through and through. Thank YOU my friend!!

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Guest ketchum

Re: Hey RedBeard

Thats what I want to be when I grow up, a Redbeard legend, except the way it looks now I'm going to be a Graybeard. Thanks for all the info and stories Redbeard.

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Re: Hey RedBeard

Redbeard I just wish I had recorded all that detailed data over the years. It sure would be nice if I could even remember all the flubs I've done over the years. Great work there bud.

BTW, I really enjoy reading your turkey hunting adventures too. wink.gif

Adios until Monday.....Gone Turkey Hunting. grin.gif

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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: Hey RedBeard

Thats so awesome that you have recorded all that stuff over the years! I hope to have stats even comparible to that some day.

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