Is there anything................


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..........cuter than a baby rabbit?


Had a nest of these little critters in the flower box in our front yard. Went out the other morning to see a cat ripping the nest apart. This guy was the only survivor. Bottle fed him for a couple days then weened him to solids. Seems to be doing fine now.


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Re: Is there anything................

they are cute for sure----just very low on the food chain. they can also be hard to raise when orphaned at a young age--that one seems old enough it should do fine.

my can caught one last year and ripped it's paper thin skin. my daughter and I came up to the clinic that night and did a little surgery. the darn thing lived and we released it 2 weeks later.


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Re: Is there anything................

Hey richy, thanks for the rant......

What you see is a little defenseless animal that may now have a chance at survival. If you have no compassion in your heart for something as innocent as this creature I gotta think there isn't much to you.

As far as your countrys farmers having problems with rabbits. Sounds to me that ya'll need to work on your game managment skills.

I'll gladly share my garden with the rabbits.


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Re: Is there anything................

I think he is cute!

But I understand Rich's point as well. Residentialy rabits are cute and furry...agriculturaly they are a pest. A good friend of my dad's has a alphalpha farm in the high desert fo California. My first huting trips as a kid were to shoot rabits in his fields. There were always plenty to shoot even shooting 100+ a night(he had a depredation permit to spotlight them as they only came into the fields at night)

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Re: Is there anything................

Yeah, they're cute. A couple years ago I ran over one with the mower. Luckily I didn't hit any of the babies, but they sure did scatter when I drove over them. I caught most of them and put them back.

That would have been a good video if someone in my neighborhood had a camera.

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Re: Is there anything................

So Richy... When are we all going to get to travel over there and have our first organized rabbit hunt and Bar-B-Que? Sounds like there would be plenty to eat and even the unluckiest hunter could bag a prize. I've never been to Scotland but that is where my ancestors are from. Seems like a really nice place.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Is there anything................

My husband dug up a nest of rabbits when he was putting down a septic tank 2 years ago. He managed to save one of the babies. We raised it til it was old enough to be set free.

They sure are cute...but messy!!!!!!

I have raised orphaned rabbits, squirrels and birds.

But I would LOVE to have a baby raccoon!!!!!

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