Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Guest 9point

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Guest 9point

Guess I dont see what the big deal is. I have always liked picking on my friends choice of equipment. Even laugh when he comes up with a good one on my choice (HOYT). Its all in fun. but we all have to be pc everywhere so Iminrut says we must start here. I love his name but it kind of offends me. It has sexual undertone that might not be right for the forums. Plus he likes to delete some of my posts. Maybe thats my only problem my posts dissapearing. I like his name. Maybe that fact that I shot a hoyt gets his goat. I dont know. Wonder if this post will be here when I check back in. ps just picked up my new bow Vtec. Just gota say I love it. My only concern about it is for the first time I switched from xx78 to carbon. Time will tell. Have any of you guys switched to carb shocked.gifon and then changed back? Thanks for your time and hearing me out. Matt

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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Oh dont tell me that. Mife wife's still mad that I spent the money on a new bow. She wanted new patio stuff. This bow is going to have to last me a few years. I have put around two hundred shots out and love it. Just not sure about the carbons. If your bashing my new hoyt your not allowed. BUT GOOD ONE ANYWAY! you have got me worried. Matt

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

LMAO...great post. You made a great choice, bows are much better than patio stuff! grin.gif

I switched to carbons last year and can't see a reason to go back.

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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Thanks for the reply on the carbons. I just dont like change. My xx75 and 78's have brought down 30 plus deer and change scares me. Maybe thats why I wont switch from Hoyt. Do you know if the carbon Vapors are anygood.

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

A little light hearted ribbing about bows between friends is cool, but we all know that when it comes to bashing other products in an open forum, the threads always, always ,go south real fast.


I love his name but it kind of offends me. It has sexual undertone that might not be right for the forums. Plus he likes to delete some of my posts. Maybe thats my only problem my posts dissapearing. I like his name. Maybe that fact that I shot a hoyt gets his goat. I dont know. Wonder if this post will be here when I check back in.

[/ QUOTE ]

Iminrut is a great moderator on this site and I back him deleting or editing posts 110% and so does the administration of this site.

I suggest the next time you have a grievance you take it private or go directly to the administration of this site.

If your going to bash a moderator, take it to the administration of this site. mad.gif

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

For those of you that think my name has some sexual undertones, it's time to set the record straight........and time for those of you who do, to put a little more thought into things, than using that sort of thought process........

My name means I eat, sleep, and drink hunting ...24/ was coined by a co-worker that noticed that Everything I do in every spare moment is hunting related.....magazines, books, shed hunting, scouting, actual hunting..talking hunting, listening hunting.....bowhunting...rifle shot hunting.....rock paper scissors get the idea ?!?!?!?

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

ImInRut well MOST of us understand your name cause we are the same way!

Anyone to THINK that your name has Sexualy Undertones, Well like you said needs to get their head out of the gutter!


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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

My Idea is I am the same. Three of us lease land in Ohio, WV, and Tenn. I run a small pro shop part time and guess what the plates on my truck are INRUT2. My only hobbies are my kids and HUNTING. And cant wait till they get alittle older and can spend more times in the woods up a tree with them. I think I am just as addicted as you. Thats my idea. smirk.gif I sent you a pm. Not sure if I did it right. I know you cant keep everybody happy, nobody ever can. My only point is I do not think that trying to make people smile or typing a few little digs on Hoyt matthews Pse etc is a bad thing. WE ALL NEED TO SMILE A LITTLE. I hope my wife forgives me soon and lets me. She aint to happy about the new hoyt and the 400.00 I spent on little things to put on the hoyt. Kinds funny she bought some 600.00 waterford lamps for the living room and that it all right. Heck they sell lamps at wallmart. but she couldnt buy em there. I just cant win. Matt

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

First off...who the heck is Brad and why aren't we allowed to bash him? tongue.gif

Good natured ribbing is ok...thats what friends and buddies do to each other. The prob. is that some folks over step that line and then a feud breaks out. These feuds are what lead other forums in the can...I for one don't want that to happen here. So if the rule is..."No brand bashing" then thats the rule. Either support it or bash somewhere else. wink.gif

BTW...I agree with buckee and support Inrut 110%.

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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

I you read the first post It said I like his name. I was just picking. Did you catch what my plates on the truck are? Anyway can anyone tell me about the vapor arrows. I havent heard of them before. Just want to know if you have shot them and how they hold up. Thanks Matt

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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Guess I ment Brand. I dont know of any Brads id like to bash. Thats why my wife wont let me help the kids with homework. You made me think of something else Maybe that why I have been a prison guard for 14 years. We arnt real bright. lol Matt

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

ADK...I found my "doe" 12 years need for another......she's a 4 beautiful "fawns" to show for it..... wink.gif

I'm actually suprised someone remembered that poll........and the only undertones to the name are the one's you all put into it......keep your thoughts simple and clean.......I know for some of you that's a stretch... grin.gif

As far as 9-Point, we've got a things worked out...via PM's like it should be done........he's a good guy to have around.......just sometimes the rules have to be explained a little further.......especially when the controversial subjects are concerned.....they may start out as jokes, but all it takes is one person to blow it out of proportion, and he have a flamer on our hands.... wink.gif

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Guest gobblergetter15

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

I dont know where everyone gets these stupid sexual references to iminrut.I never once thought that it had anything to do with sexual references.Lets keep our heads out of the gutter people.

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

To get back to the topic smile.gifsmile.gif

I shoot the Vapor 5000 shafts. I haven't had any problem with them at all. I think the Gold Tips I used to shoot were just as good though and a little cheaper. I have a tree that I shoot at from my treestand and never had one break or show any damage from the Gold Tips or the Vapor. The reason I went with the Vapors was when I had my Switchback set up, all he had a dozen of was the Vapors so I went with them. I like the smooth finish they have, a little easier to get out of my target.

Vapor Shafts by Blackhawk

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

LOL....You need to look to the FUTURE boys... smile.gifsmile.gif,,,,and here she is.....The latest and Datest from Alpine, Meet the Denali Match Grade Bow,,,


Ain't she GORGEOUS..... grin.gifgrin.gif

Here are some specs for ya to ponder......


* Mass weight: 4.6 pounds

* Axle to Axle: 34 inches

* Brace height 7 inches

* Draw weights: 60, 70 pounds

* Draw lengths: Fast Trac Ball Bearing One Cam: 26” through 30"

in 1/2 inch increments

* Limbs: Bi-Flex composite limb, film dipped finish in Realtree Hardwoods Green HD

* Cable Guard: Straight mounted carbon

* Sight Window: 8.25” single plane window

* Pocket: Inter-Loc Limb Mounting System

* Riser Colors: Realtree Hardwoods Green HD

* Grip: One piece wrap around rose wood

* Let-off: 80% standard, optional 65

As you can see we all don't follow TRENDS, I shoot and use what I like and what my wallet dictates, so for now it's the Alpine Line of Bows... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Guest 9point

Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Thanks for the info Madhunter. I dont like change. Finally made the switch to carbons. One thing I wont give up is my Muzzys. 167 days till seaon I will have to see if I can wear the vapors out. Thanks again. Matt

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Re: Brad bashing not allowed!! (And my new hoyt)

Like Buckee said it can get out of hand quick. There has to be a happy medium. You made a great choice with your bow. Do not worry about the limbs. Brand M's limbs are far more prone to failure. I have heard this from several sources also. Dry fire an M a few times,if that, and you can kiss them good bye. That comes from a few different pros shops, all of them sell Mathews. I was suprised to hear them rip a product they sell, for sure.

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