Yote scat

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Re: Yote scat

were I hunt there is usually no dogs for 20 miles lol, truhtfully most coyote scat I find have hair or grain in it[coyotes here eat alot of grain [peas ect]in the fall or they eat the cattle crap which is warm and has lots of grain put right through if the rancher does not chop it fine enough! alos I see quite a bit with chokecherry seeds in it, they seem ot like the berries also!Other than that it is hard to tell,when my shephard takes a crap she puts a pile of out there, i have never seen a coyote pile 4" high and she is abotu the size of a large coyote,could be becouse she is in the house alot but I think a coyote goes and usually lets out just one or two turds,[usually what i see anyway] Not that I am a expert on coyote poo like Buckee is on deer poo or anythign though! LOL!!

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Re: Yote scat

The most distinguishing characteristic of coyote scat is the presence of hair and bones from the prey it has eaten. Some time it also has blades of grass, feathers and seeds from berries.

Coyote scats has tapered ends and is about 2 to 5" long and 3/4 to 1” in diameter.

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