KY Hunting Update


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Been here in Eastern KY hunting for turkey with the Renzos boys for the second day. No birds down yet but a couple of close calls. Had one pass behind us about 20 yards but couldn't get a shot because of a cut bank that hid him from view. Roosted a great tom last nite at another spot and set up on him this morning. Everything was going great, bird flew down, worked toward us in the field but got spooked by something other than us in the field. He turned tail after strutting with a bum leg for 10 minutes. He hung way to close to the bank we were set up on. Had a shot at him initially but the camera man was between the bird and I. Took a shot at him as he ran off, to no avail. Chris Bracket from Brackett Outdoors arrived this morning to join us. Outstanding guy! Here's a few pix I've gotten so far. I'm about completely worn out after a day and a half. Seems like anywhere we go, it's nearly vertical both to the spot and back again to the truck! LOL Not sure how that works. My guide down here is Brandon Wireman whose in charge of the Team Renzos Pro Staffers, another super guy and a great guide. We'll be back on them this afternoon. Here's a couple of pix.

Brandon getting the camera ready.


Brandon setting out the dekes.


Heading back up for another afternoon.


End of the property line for us.


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Re: KY Hunting Update

I'll be back in time Tim, it's May 23rd, right? LOL Went out toniteand didn't hear a single gobble. The birds hit the ground in the morning and you never hear nother peep. All henned up I guess. 1 more shot tomorrow. If not, I'll take my toll on the Misourri birds next week. I'll also have a shot at a Knight Rifles hunt in Centersville Iowa.

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Re: KY Hunting Update

Struck out. We were on birds every morning but after they would hit the ground, you'd never hear a peep. Only one bird was killed over the first 3 days of the season in my group and thhat was old bobtail. He'd been around without a single tail feather for at least 4 years. Steve Bailey, GM of Renzos was where we were hunting and he was the one that took bobtail. Said he had been hunting him the last four years. Bobtail worked just under the edge of the decoys on a hillside for over 2 hours before he finally came in and was shot.

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Re: KY Hunting Update

Yeah, we were hunting in Morgan Co., around West Liberty. It was really tough. Glad in a way I wasn't the only one having troubles. LOL I'll be giving the birds in northern Missouri a run for their money starting this weekend though. Hopefully the week time span will make it better.

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