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I went out tonight and was gonna sit in the corn where I been hunting, theres a car in the parking lot and its on public ground so I drive on past, no big deal, its open to everyone.I go about 1/4 down the road and get into a stand that i use there once in awhile hoping to catch the deer coming outta the private property that borders the state ground when the head out to feed for the night.I can see the guy in the corn as I drive past and hes walking down the outside of the field.I get into my tree and kinda forget about him when about 10 minutes later here he comes popping up over the hill behind me.I yell and wave at him letting him know Im there, the muzzleloader seasons open and I couldnt tell that it was a bow he was hunting with.He waves back, turns and heads back towards the foodplot.

I start thinking maybe hes shot a deer and lost the bloodtrail the way hes wandering around.I was late getting in there anyway and he was still wandering back and forth behind me so I climb down to see if he wants some help looking for a deer or something.

I get to the top of the hill he was on behind me and can see him, I watch for awhile and it becomes obvious hes not looking for anything.Hes walking back and forth alongside the cornfield trying to watch both sides of it at once crazy.gifNot even trying to stay hid, he just walks down to one end, sits down awhile, gets up and walks back to the other end.Then its like he ets bored and walks back about 100 yrds, gets up on top of a hill, looks the area over and walks back up to the foodplot.From where Im at I can see all the deer are stringing out the other end of the slough in front of him at the far end of the field and they are quite aware hes there.

Im pretty disgusted by this point so I start getting my stuff together to leave.All the sudden hes walking over townrds me.He comes up and starts hollering about me spooking all the deer. mad.gifThis goes on for a mnute and finally i just tell him hes gotta be the worst hunter Ive ever seen, he asks what thats supposed to mean so I tell himI just watched him for a half hour pacing back and forth the length of the cornfield, not watching the wind, standing in the wide open, and that all the deer are now feeding a half mile over because he couldnt park his **** in one spot.He starts in again about me being the one that spooked them.He never seen me till I stood up to leave because I was sitting down on the hill in weeds up to my neck, if he didnt know i was 100 yrds off the deer in the slogh 300 yrds away sure didnt.So he gets mad and leaves the area, and i sit back down where i had been.20 minutes after he leaves 5 does come out and walk right past me, and i can see deer starting to move all over the section, i think they were just waiting for that moron to go home crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Moron

Been there before. I watched a guy walk around with a bow for about 40 minutes doing basically the same thing in this apple orchard I hunt a few years back. After all the walking he decided he was tired apparently and literally came and sat down under the big oak I was in. He was pretty shocked when I asked if he had seen anything lol. But yeah, people like that need to learn some skills. Oh well, we can't all be perfect grin.gif

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Re: Moron

I have seen people this way even on private land, walking the fence line. Its like they can't sit still. If I can see them moving what do you think the deer are seeing. Some people just never learn and in their own mind set they think that is the way to hunt. Someone needs to teach them the right way, then again when you confront them you'll always be the moron in their eyes!!!

I have yet to see a hunting show where Bill Jordan or even Jackie Bushman are walking around like the above scenario you seen horst. They know how to hunt, we may not be pros but we can learn from them. Apparently your moron never seen a hunting show before.


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