what u think


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If you know someone that has chokes for a 870 borrow them if you can. Try as many chokes as you can then decide. I've had great results with a kicks gobbln thunder for my benelli, franchi, and my xtrema. Also depends on what shot your wanting to shoot. Use a tighter choke for smaller shot and not as tight for larger shot or Heavy shot. Also check this site www.turkeyhuntingsecrets.com/store/store-chokes-compnchoke.htm

Good luck

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Re: what u think


well just got back from grizzly jig ( local huntin store ) got a tru glo gobbler stomper

[/ QUOTE ]

Gobble Stopper, They also make a Gobble Stopper Extreme( although I don'r know what makes it extreme).

I'd second the comp-n-choke. Mine is shooting very good patterns with several different ammo combos.


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Re: what u think

i have found 2 great choke tubes

for a ported tube i use a kicks gobblin thunderwith a .655 i.d.

for a non-ported tube i use a hastings .660 i.d.

but both are top of the line chokes but you get what you pay for

by the way any one wanting to try the new flight control fed's needs to try it thru a hastings

using rebuffs getting upwards of 160's in 12" circle at 40yds.

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