Big whitetail set (and other sets) - photos

Guest LDB

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I haven't been out as much this year, but I have been lucky to find a higher percentage of side-by-side sets than normal. I'm not sure why, but maybe it has something to do with the higher than average snowfall we had this winter.

This is my best whitetail set this year. It would gross score 154 1/8 with a 18 4/8 estimated inside spread. It is a mainframe 5x5 with 2 extra brow stickers on the left side.


Another angle


Here is my wife's nicest whitetail set so far this year. This set would score 137 1/8 with an estimated 16-inch inside spread.


This is a set of mule deer antlers that were almost touching. They would score 142 7/8 with a 19-inch estimated inside spread. They would have scored around 150 but the G-3 is busted off on the left side.


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Re: Big whitetail set (and other sets) - photos

I don't have any photos of me holding them. I'll try to get my wife to take a couple of photos when I get home from work. I threw in the scores to give you guys an idea of how big they are. I have another photo of a side by side set I picked up this morning to add as well.

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Re: Big whitetail set (and other sets) - photos

Here's a photo of me holding the whitetail antlers. I hope this gives you a better idea of the size of these antlers.


Here's yet another side-by-side set, picked up this morning. These muley antlers would gross around 167 with a 22-inch estimated inside spread (probably a conservative estimate). I think these antlers come off a buck that eluded Saskbucks one evening during the muzzleloader season last fall when it decided to bed down just out of his range right before dusk.



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Re: Big whitetail set (and other sets) - photos

Very nice sets. Thanks for giving us the size comparison. Not very often do I get lucky enough to find a matched set so close together.

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Re: Big whitetail set (and other sets) - photos

I was just looking through some of my photos from this spring and here's a few more side-by-side set finds.

4x4 whitetail set (with a tired puppy in the background).


This low 170's mule deer set wasn't quite side-by-side, but only about 10 yards apart.


This muley set was side-by-side ...


... and part of a triple find (set is along the windrow in the background).


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