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Ammo for what? It depends on what I am shooting.

For trap shooting I shoot 1 oz of #8 shot going 1175 fps. I shoot this in my Remington 3200 Competition Trap.

For skeet, I shoot 1 oz of #9 shot going 1145 fps. I shoot this in my 870 Skeet or my Charles Daly Empire Sporting Clay gun.

For sporting clays I shoot 1 1/8 oz of #7.5 or #8 shot going anywhere from 1145 fps to 1300 fps. I shoot these in my Remington 3200 Special Trap doubles gun or Charles Daly Empire Sporting Clay gun.

For upland hunting I shoot 1 1/8 oz of #6 or #7.5 gonig 1200 fps. I shoot this in my Charles Daly Empire Sporting Clay gun, Remington 870, or Remington 11-87 Super Mag.

For turkeys, I shoot 3.5" magnum loads of 2 1/4 ounces of Hevi shot #4, #5, and #7 (triplex load) that is traveling 1,200 fps. I shoot these in my Remington 11-87 Super Mag or my Mossberg 835.

For deer I shoot 3.5" 00 buckshot where I have to use buckshot, in my Remington 11-87 Super Mag, or where legal I use Remington Copper Solids sabot slugs in my Mossberg 835's rifled barrel.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: ammo

For trap shooting I use my own reloads----1 1/8 oz of 7 1/2 shot. For singles or fun shooting I use reclaimed shot. For money shotos I use new shot. For turkeys I use Federal 2 3/4" #4 shot "Baby Mags"----that's what I call them. They are old duck/goose loads--when lead was legal. For grouse & fall turkey either Federal High Brass 1/14 oz of either 6 or 4 shot.

For ducks----I liked Federal 1 1/4 oz of steel in either 2 or 4 shot.

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Re: ammo


jeeze 1 1/8 7 1/2 for 16 yd trap?

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That's what I shoot in winter time. I shoot the same load for singles and doubles. For Handicap I bump it up slightly. Frozen birds can take a few more hits before they break. But, like you said, if it gives you a mental advantage, use it.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: ammo

I use the KISS method in my trap shooting. I use the same load for everything, my gun has a fixed full choke so I can't be screwing with which choke should I have in. My BT-99 doesn't have an adjustable stock either. When I shoot registered birds-----All I want to think about is seeing the bird. Oh----and 1 more thing---KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN.

pat---I use reclaimed shot for the 16 yard singles. I use new shot for handicap-----27 yard.

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