dollar menu


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Re: dollar menu



Yup. I eat 5-6 double cheeseburgers a week...Minus 1/2 the buns. grin.gif

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Have you all not seen the movie Supersize me? That stuff will kill you if not make you fat and very unhealthy.

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I have lost 34 pounds this year. How much have you lost? tongue.gif

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Re: dollar menu


You guys that are eating that crap had better get yourselves some good heart doctors because you are going to need them!!

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amen to that!!

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Re: dollar menu



I worked at McDonald's for 18 months. The first 6 were fine, and I ate anything and everything there. But when they bumped me up to manager I learned how to cook the food, bring up the grills, fryers, etc. Basically, once I hit manager I learned how the place works, and since then I will only get drinks and salads there. I won't eat the fish, chicken, meat, etc.

The meat is disgusting: it goes from frozen to ready-to-serve in just 40 seconds! Then it's placed in plastic UHC containers that are slid into slots to keep them warm. After 15 minutes they get pitched, but if you get a burger 14:59 after they're pulled off, you will get a burger that has sat in a quarter-inch of liquid FAT for just about 15 minutes. It's gross.

Worse yet: McDonald's leads the fast food industry in food safety. The standard is set, but McDonald's blows it away with it's precautions, meat distributor, packaging, etc. BUT IT'S STILL GROSS!

Ech! I choose NOT to eat at fast food joints.

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thanks for that info man, i knew McDonalds wasnt the best food to eat, i sure will second guess my next meal there, i'll go to Subway instead! crazy.gifsmirk.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: dollar menu

Thanks AKCowboy. That's disgusting. Ever work at Burger King?? grin.gif

I did. They make it when you order it. It never sits around. And the meat never touches a pan of grease. But...all fast food is bad for you over time.

I stick with the grilled chicken-no mayo sandwich when I DO eat there.

Don't think I'll be eating at the golden arches again though. crazy.gif

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Re: dollar menu



Yup. I eat 5-6 double cheeseburgers a week...Minus 1/2 the buns. grin.gif

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Have you all not seen the movie Supersize me? That stuff will kill you if not make you fat and very unhealthy.

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That was crazy! I think it was a little over the top at times but very informative! I havent eaten McD's Since..... grin.gif

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Re: dollar menu


They also look down on union members

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Well then God love them!

Unions are a boil on the A$$ of Capitalism. They take the ownership of a business built by someone willing to take the risks and lay their talent and money on the line and hold it hostage. If workers don't like the working pay or conditions of a job, get a new one. When the owner (assuming they are abusing employees) loses enough employees that the business is impacted, conditions will change. If not, the business won't work.

This may come as a shock to millions of people out there but businesses don't exist to employ you! GASP! They exist to make the owner a profit. You exist in a business to provide a service to the employer that he/she/they can sell at a markup. If you don't like the wage you are getting, upgrade your skills or start your own business, or get a different job. Then the natural supply and demand cycle will kick in and the employer will stop the losses by offering higher wages or better benefits.

Just about as bad, unions disturb the natural supply and demand cycle driving up the cost of anything involved. Cars are so expensive now, people are having to finance them for 7 years in some cases. The problem is that most don't last that long.

Perhaps the most shameless of all union ploys is the teachers union that oppose vouchers and performance standards for teachers. Kids are stuck in schools that are exceptionally underpeforming yet do not meet the no child left behind standards. The NEA opposes me being able to take my county tax money and use it to send my child to private school (where performance standards on teachers is just like any other business--sink or swim) because it would me a mass exodus from certain schools and the end of their jobs. Shameful.

I shop at Publix and will now eat at McDonalds knowing they shun the unions.



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