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Re: dollar menu



That was a great reply, and exactly how I feel about the unions.

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Here in Atlanta, we don't have many unions so I feel lucky. The ones we do have are pretty much nothing more than a political action committee that tells its members how to vote. If you are wronged by a supervisor or something, unless you are a select few people, you get no help. This is after they force you to pay union dues. I have many friends that live up North in the land of unionization and the economy is in shambles because hiring is down as a result of many things.....foremost the artificially high cost per worker. If you want gomement to take care of you, move to Europe. Frankly, I would hate to see the batch of entitlement workers in today's America try to build this country from the ground up like our founders did. We couldn't because there was no gomement to take care of us. The people who existed at the founding of our Country had a type of grit and determination to succeed that many of today's adults couldn't even recognize. These people just want the gomement to take care of them so they can have fun and drag the rest of the Country down wiff em.

I do realize that some people have no choice but to join a union for their chosen profession and many members hate unions as much as I. So I don't have contempt for them that I do for those who further the union causes.

I am trying to break the 'gomement gonna take care of me' and 'someone owes me a job' mentality with my children. I am already teaching my 6 year old about economics and how to be a success and how to be a valuable commodity in the job market. As for my two year old, I have successfully been able to get her to answer:

"Duke, baby!" to the question of where she will go to college! laugh.gif I got that one on video tape!

Unions suck! Sorry if that hurts some people's feelings.


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