Is it a tom or a jake??


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My buddy got another bird this weekend. He said it was a 7 1/2" REALLY THICK beard, full fan, but had short spurs....just nubs. It was a rio (slightly smaller than easterns) and he said it weighed in around 15 lbs. I'm thinking it is a tom, considering the beard and tail, but he swears it's a jake. I have heard of toms having little and even NO spurs I I right?

Anyway, what do think it was?....1 year old or 2 year old, and why. wink.gif

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Re: Is it a tom or a jake??


Full fan......... 7 1/2" beard......... not a jake.

Rios are notorious for having boogered up spurs. A lot of Rios live in rocky terrain that will keep the hooks ground down or broken off.

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Yeah strut is right! I just learned this last week on one of the turkey hunting shows I seen.

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Re: Is it a tom or a jake??

A friend just shot a Turkey the other day.

They heard a Good Gobble, set up on it, called in a flock of Jakes, then they chased them off to try and get the bigger one.

One came in, went into strut, nice long gobble, "Full Fan", So they took the shot...

Turns out to be a Jake, little spurs, 3"-4" beard, but acted like he was Boss Tom.

First I've seen with a full fan, It was his 2nd turkey ever so he was still REAL HAPPY!

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Re: Is it a tom or a jake??

The fan and beard are your only true indicators. Both the weight and the spurs are indicative of a Jake. But a jake always has a hump in the middle of his tail and a beard of 7 1/2" is much longer than the average 3" or 4" jake beard. Also it's sounds like this might be a bearded hen. 7 1/2" is about average for that phenomena and the weight sounds right.

One of the heaviest Turkeys I ever saw was an eastern that weighed 22lbs with a 9" beard and ankles as slick as a rockette wink.gif It was definately a tom.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: Is it a tom or a jake??

I've killed toms that have no spurs, some have 1 spur & none on the other leg. Just freaks of nature. I've also killed a tom that had 1" spurs, a full fan-----gobbling his head off---struttin to beat the band & not a beard to be seen !!

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Re: Is it a tom or a jake??

That ain't fair. I've let some birds walk this year that I couldn't see the beard, then only to hear them gobble like big boys. I was wondering just the same thing, the other day, might be a tom with no beard. Smart ole tom just mighta spent the winter peckin' at that beard just sos he be safe. He better walk fast next time cuz if I see spurs, he's gonna get a ride home and won't have to walk no more.

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Guest ketchum

Re: Is it a tom or a jake??

These toms with full fan and good spurs and no beard, could be a bird that was trapped and moved by the wildlife agency. I've been told, In my area when they move birds they cut the beards off. To be legal to shoot it has to have a visible beard in my state. So they cut the beards off to give them a better chance of survival the first year.

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