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In one of the boxes of Federal turkey loads I bout there is one shell that looks like it was miscut. Several of the ribs are way over size or were cut by the loading machine. It will not load that is how I found that there was damage to the shell and I will not try to force it or shoot it. Should I call Federal and make them aware or should I just toss it, after all it is just one shell. Anyone else have this happen?


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Re: Shell?

If it does not fit force it, if it breaks, it needs replacing anyway. tongue.gif

It depends on how deformed the cartridge is. If it is close to fitting, I pretty much force it and shoot it. If it is bad enough where I can't chamber it by hand, I throw it away. I would call them and let their customer service know what happened. If they want you to send it back, send it. If you send it back to Federal with the end flaps to show the lot number, they usually make it worth your while. Typically a free box of ammo is the response.

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