Eventfull Day!!!

Guest gobblergetter15

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Guest gobblergetter15

Okay I live in missouri and today was our opener. I went to a spot just in the woods on a fence row. Just before daylight the gobbling started. I could hear one about 100-150 yards to my right but it sounded like a jake.I started calling and immediatly got a responce.About 15 minutes later i saw about 5 jakes caming from my right. The lead jake must have seen me raise my gun so they spooked into the woods where I was. I called and they immediatly came back. Two from behind and the rest in the field. The two just passed by and the others just fed in the field. There was nothing that I wanted( only one year old birds) but all the sudden from my right came about five more jakes. The two little flocks squared off and went head on. They sparred for a little bit and then they just moved on. Ill probably go take one of those birds if worst comes to worst, but unil later in the season theyll live another day. I went on to see three hens and that was it for day one.

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