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-- Ask Senator Frist to shield the bill from anti-gun "killer


Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert

8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151

Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

Monday, April 18, 2005

As early as this week, the U.S. Senate could take up S. 397 -- a

measure originally designed to protect gun dealers and manufacturers

from frivolous lawsuits.

The bill has been watered down substantially over the years, as

pro-gun Senators have worked hard to get additional support for the


But far more important than what's currently in the bill is what

anti-gun senators plan to try to tack onto it. Anti-gun "killer

amendments" could include:

* A lock-up-your-safety trigger lock mandate;

* A renewal of the semi-automatic ban, similar to the one which was

successfully added to the same bill last year -- a ban which

eventually died because of the outpouring of opposition from

grassroots gunnies;

* A .50 caliber ban;

* A Lautenberg amendment to match Instant Check applicants against an

administration "enemies list";

* A gun show crack-down which would subtly but effectively outlaw gun


As was the case last year, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has the

parliamentary tools to block all of these amendments -- if he chooses

to use them.

He can use his privileged status to offer innocuous amendments to the

bill until no more amendments are in order. This blocking strategy

is called an "amendment tree."

Or he can move to shut off debate on the bill before any of the

anti-gun amendments have been adopted -- and he can even lay the bill

aside until it is time to vote on shutting off debate.

The bottom line is that the bill has not been shown to provide enough

of the protection the gun industry really needs for gun owners to

swallow a single anti-gun amendment. A pure bill will represent a

good step forward. But we must not compromise -- by swallowing

anti-gun amendments -- if we want to strengthen our gun rights.

ACTION: Contact Majority Leader Bill Frist. Ask him to use the

parliamentary tools at his disposal to block amendments on trigger

locks, semi-auto bans, .50 caliber bans, gun show bans, or any

attempt to amend S. 397 with anti-gun provisions.

Because Senator Frist is reportedly looking to run for president in

2008, he should be eager to hear your views -- even if you're not a

resident of Tennessee.

You can reach Sen. Frist via phone, fax or e-mail. However,

non-constituents can only send e-mail by going to his website and

filling out the form provided. If you choose to do that, please

disregard any automated response you might receive (his office WILL

take note of your position). Phone calls are encouraged.

Contact info for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist:

Phone: 202-224-3344

Fax: 202-228-1264


(Note: If you have problems with the above url, go to and click on "About Senator Frist," then

select the "Contact Senator Frist" option.)

----- Pre-written message -----

Dear Senator Frist:

When S. 397 comes before the Senate, I urge you, in the strongest

terms, to use the parliamentary procedures at your disposal to block

the adoption of anti-gun amendments on trigger locks,

semi-automatics, gun shows, .50 calibers, or any other gun control


This watered-down bill is a good step forward, but it is NOT worth

the adoption of any gun control amendment.



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