What a night......


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We bought a set of knives a while back. They came with the meat scissors, the large heavy scissors with the seriated edge. We never use meat scissors so we have been using them for various things around the house. My wife had bought a new t-shirt with stitching, about scripture, in the front of the shirt. The inside was backed up with another piece of cloth.

Last night she was cutting the cloth from the inside so she could wear her new shirt. For what ever reason, she stuck the scissors between the couch cushions. I notice the scissors and thought, “I better grab those, that looks like an accident waiting to happen.” It was about that time the phone rang. My wife jumped up and grabbed the portable. She then made her way back to the couch where she dropped onto the pair of scissors. They buried a good 1 ½” into her leg just below her rear. It is straight in so it hit fat and muscle. She jumped up and it scared me to death when I saw the hole in her pants leg. She pulled them down and the blood started flowing….. I felt horrible; I should have moved those stupid scissors.

She has a wealth of medical knowledge therefore she wouldn’t let me take her to the hospital. I poured peroxide over the wound, we then did warm and cool rags to reduce swelling, finally we packed it with Neosporin and I pulled it back together with a large Band-Aid. I wanted to take her to the hospital but she said they wouldn’t give her anything because of her pregnancy. She also said they wouldn’t stitch it because it needed to drain… I guess she’s right but seeing her get hurt was a little to much.

She is supposed to work today. She manages a vet clinic and is both in her chair and on the move all day. I told her to stay home but she’s going to try it. That girl has far more will then I do. It’s been eating at me all morning. I hate this helplessness feeling but there isn’t anything I can do.

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Re: What a night......

Hey buddy, accidents do happen.

Look on the bright side....it could have easily been a LOT WORSE! blush.gifshocked.gif

Pay your debt to your wife by kissing it often until it heals. I am sure, if you are like mine, she has been telling you to kiss it for years anyway! laugh.gif

Hope she heals quickly.


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Re: What a night......

Hope she's OK Jeramie. I remember putting an old mattress down stairs, basically just get it out of the way. Well, I leaned it up against the wall, and immediately thought to myself "I better lay this flat or else the kids will knock it over on themselves." Sure enough, not 3 hours later my son tipped it over right onto my daughter. It slammed her into the concrete knocking her 2 front teeth clean out. crazy.giffrown.gif Poor little girl was 3 at the time. She went without 2 front teeth for nearly 5 years.

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Re: What a night......

Yeah Jeramie,

You cannot allow yourself to be the butt of all the blame!

It is assonine to think that!

Life is about looking foward, don't focus on the rear-view mirror!

After such a long night of worrying, you must be exassperated!

Don't worry about it, no one is perfect jeramie. Asspire to be better is all we can do.

Don't let yourself bottom out, she will be okay.

Hindsight is 20/20 (until she gets 40+ then it will be 10/10! laugh.gif)

Couldn't help it! laugh.gif


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Re: What a night......

My wife is one tough woman. Women can go through things that will make you cringe. The wife says, "if you can get through childbirth, you can get through anything"...and she proves it now and then.

I hope yours gets through this with out infection, and heals quickly. She will probably prove to you that she is one tough cookie. blush.gif

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Re: What a night......



It is straight in so it hit fat

[/ QUOTE ]

man, if she reads that statement you won't feel so sorry for her after she does physical trauma to you until you edit wink.gif

I thought you had some kids...I was afraid reading this that a kid got hurt.....not that I am happy somebody got hurt.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think Jeramie is going to get hurt! grin.gif

You know Jeramie...if she doesn't want to go to the hospital, maybe DogDoc could fix her up... grin.gif

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Re: What a night......

Well gang heres the update...

Yesterday she was sore as all get out but getting around. It bled quite a bit yesterday and even went through her scrubbs.

She called me a little while ago and said its much better. You now only stick your index finger in the hole (as opposed to your thumb). She is also walking much better. Im keeping her from doing to much. She wanted to mow tonight before Church and I told her I would.

Now im afraid she will get a little more spoiled because of this.... grin.gif Seriously, she's doing much better and its just been a couple of days. Im keeping a close eye on it and so far she seems to be dealing with it very well.....

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