More pics with new camera!


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I just got my Olympus C-740! I'm at work, not much to photograph around here, so excuse the subject material. tongue.gif

Anyway, here's a pic of a white pigeon. grin.gif


I'm gettin' off early today (I planned ahead tongue.gif), so I'll get some more batteries and take some better pics.

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Re: Pic with new camera!

Here's some more I took in the back yard on my lunch break. grin.gif

A resident woodpecker. The sun was on the other side of the tree, so it didn't pick up the color, but still pretty good.


Here's his hole he was in when I walked outside. Great detail!


I couldn't stop there! wink.gif Here's a few of my mounts.

8 pointer.


7 pointer.


8 point antler mount.


As you can tell, I love this camera! cool.gif It certainly does my mounts more justice than the phone cam. tongue.gif At least y'all won't have to look at those grainy pics anymore. smile.gif

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Re: More pics with new camera!

Thanks for the replies! I really like this camera!


They moved them to another category. Thanks for the heads up. I'll get 'em fixed.

I can't edit the other post, so here's the mount pics for those that didn't see them.

8 point.


7 point.


8 point antler mount.


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