Is this a virus???


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Got this email the other day drom this someone, I have no clue who it is. he wants me to open the stuff, I doubt it! What do you all think?


First, Very Sorry for my bad English.

Someone is sending your private e-mails on my address.

It's probably an e-mail provider error!

At time, I've got over 10 mails on my account, but the recipient are you.

I have copied all the mail text in the windows text-editor for you & zipped then.

Make sure, that this mails don't come in my mail-box again.



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Re: Is this a virus???

It's the Sober.N virus, ALIAS:Email-Worm.Win32.VB.aj, W32.Sober.N@ mm, W32/Sober.o@ MM

DO NOT OPEN! You might want to check you puter w/a good virus scanner & make sure your clean!

Rule #1) Never open an e-mail if you don't know who it's from!

Rule #2) Never trust all e-mail's you recieve from people you know!

Rule #3) See #1 & #2!

Here is a link to the Latest threats.Symantec Corporation.

Good Luck, Phil B.

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Re: Is this a virus???

You don't always have to click/open an attachment to get nailed. Some viruses like Worms are in the e-mail itself.. just opening the e-mail will let the worm in. Most people think "Well, as long as you don't open the attachment you'll be fine!" WRONG! I think some of you should watch this!

Malware Threats - Demo

Later, Phil B.

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