Beware of idiots


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Just got done with a roof and things didnt go well.It was only 10 square of shingles, and the kid that lives there tore them off, carried the new ones up, and all I had to do was show up, tar paper it and shingle I thought,So I bid the roof at 500$ thinking it would take maybe two days tops.WRONG!!

A garage had been added onto the house by the previous owner.The guy that did it apparently knew just enough to build the garage but had no idea how to attach the roofs .Not only did it leak badly, but after tearing it off we spent almost two days replacing plywood, taking pipes out of the roofs valley, and even changing the hips on the roof itself because where they came together thegarage sheeting stuck up 2 inches higher than the sheeting on the house instead of coming together evenly.

Sad part is I been running into more and more of this type of thing lately.Everyone with a truck and a hammer suddenly thinks thier a carpenter.This particuliar contractor worked for a steel crew for a lot of years, and knew the basics of framing, he didnt know the difference between steel and wood framing apparently though, and this is the 3rd roof of his Ive had to fix or look at frown.gif

if your hiring something done please remember to ask for references or get someone with a good reputation, theres enough wannabe carpenters and fly by night outfits around to give us all a bad name.And its gonna cost you a lot more in the long run to have things re-done by a honest carpenter if hes gotta start all over by tearing someone elses work apart.Instead of the two days I had figured fr the job, it took 4 days and an extra guy to fix this mess.Sorry, it was a long day and I had to vent.

To top it all off the little puke I shingled for wouldnt pay me when we were finished and told me to stop back in a week for a check, hope I can make this 1/8 tank of gas last that long because Im beyond broke at this point LOL frown.gif

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Re: Beware of idiots

two summers ago i was doing a roof with my uncle and we ran into big problems as well. first off there was 7 layers of shingles to be removed. the old boards on the roof were shot so we had to put plywood over the whole roof and then we had to build part of the roof so that it wouldnt leak into the house anymore and after what we thought would have taken us a week ended up being a month. it probably wouldnt have taken that long but we both had different jobs as well as the roofin job.

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Re: Beware of idiots

I hear ya Horst...Im in the middle of redoing my kitchen and it worked a lot the same way. Found more and more problems the further into the kitchen I got. Almost done now though...May have to post some before and after pics when Im done..

(I am a counselor now but paid my way through school doing everything from framing to cabinetry and custom furniture)

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Re: Beware of idiots

Sorry to hear about that! My fiance is an independant contractor and is also running into a lot of the same problems. The construction field took off so fast and everyone wanted stuff built, so people who know very little decided to go into business for themselves. I guess the good thing is it makes new jobs for my other half to fix! LOL

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Re: Beware of idiots

Sorry to hear about your problems. There are a lot of people who think that they know what they are doing and really don't. I have helped my dad fix houses that others have worked on and had no clue what they were doing. It took us a long time to fix the problems too. I hope that you get paid for your work.


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