senior pictures?


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this summer or fall i will be taking senior pictures. im thinking of taking them out at our waterfowl refuge with my yellow lab. but i would like some input on someother ideas for pictures with waterfowl hunting themes. any suggestions would be great. thanks


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Guest Iambenelliguy

Re: senior pictures?

I took mine at our refuge too. I had my yellow lab, my benelli shotgun and a limit of greenheads. Made for an awsome picture.

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Re: senior pictures?

my mom is going to take them. but the limit of ducks sound good. of course i would have to take some regular ones to put in the year book cuz we cant have any kind of weapon in the picture. but i was thinking the hunting ones to send to family and to put up in our duck camp down in Louisiana.

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Re: senior pictures?

How about early in the morning with the sun peeking over the horizon, a spread of decoys, and your dog looking in the air, with your gun pointed up. (Camerawoman off to one side) I think that'd look pretty sweet....

Maybe a spread of decoys in the background, with you and your dog sitting in a blind/grass facing the camera, smiling. Number of things you could do. wink.gif Try black and white photos too!

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