Honest Question... Honest Answer.....


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Re: Honest Question... Honest Answer.....

Being as they would have a record of the serial number from where I bought it, I guess it would either be that...or hide it! And, if I hid it, and was caught hunting with it after that, it would become a bigger dilemma. I probably would register it.

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Re: Honest Question... Honest Answer.....

Considering we all advocate abiding by laws, I would probably register it just to avoid larger penalties but that's where the line gets drawn, any other requests/laws on gun control would be the end of my law-abiding days.

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Re: Honest Question... Honest Answer.....

What semi automatics lol.... I own them and it would be a touchy subject. I prolly would. But then again, if they want my gun, all they need to do is come to my door and ask for all the semi automaitcs i own then. I may register just register the one i own after that, which would be manditory

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Re: Honest Question... Honest Answer.....

If they already have the number, fine other than that, they can kiss my butt.. You can pass all the laws you want as far as I'm concerned, but I won't recognize it as legal so don't even think about trying to take them from me... like they say, registration is the first step to elimination...

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