Got a bit of a problem


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OK heres the deal the past couple of years the turkeys have roosted in the same spot as always, On the edge of a cliff. Sometimes they will fly down and stay up top and other times they fly down into the bottom. Any suggestions how i can get them to fly to where i am. I can get them to gobble on roost by calling but it seems i am only like 40% sucessful for them to come to me. Is this just hopeless of can i try something else? Would pretending to be flying down on top work with say a primos real wing? Thanks guys

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Re: Got a bit of a problem

Tell you what, I'll sit on the top and you sit on the bottom. It's a can't miss plan!! grin.gifgrin.gif

I have the same problem on one particular farm we hunt on. The birds roost half way up a steep drop off. Sometimes they fly to the top, sometimes they fly to the bottom. I have seen them fly completely out of the woods before. These birds are hunted, but I don't think we spook them off at all. They are certainly a fun animal to hunt.

Good luck! cool.gif

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Guest hookedonhunting

Re: Got a bit of a problem

get under the tree an hour before daylight. when daylight arrives shoot him off the roost!

jus kiddin!!!

u may be callin too much!

do a soft tree call early if he answers dont say nothin else. its very important to call very little!!!!!

remember hens are supposed to go to him. make him feel rejected so he will come to u!

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Re: Got a bit of a problem

To be honest 40% sounds like a pretty good percentage to me. You have to remember that your never going to get them to come to you every time no matter what strategy you use. I'd just mix up strategies and setups and see if I could get a combo that worked. If the early morning doesnt work, I'd also try and go back in the late morning and see if you can catch one sneaking around that has lost his hens. Good luck!!

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Re: Got a bit of a problem

40% successful in getting them to come to you is pretty good odds. Whatever their preference is just be there and play the odds. You might just try doing a soft tree yelp until they fly down and then start with the louder calls after they are on the ground.

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