Georgia on my mind!!


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I have a buddy that has 700 acres in SW Georgia that has been trying for several years for me to come hunt with him. I finally moved up to where I have 3 weeks vacation, so this year is the year. I was a bit worried as he is in the Army, and just went to DRILL SGT school, but his wife called, said he was gonna be off over Thanksgiving, WOOOOHOOOOOO so not only will I finally get to hunt with him, but in Ga also, and after that I get to go back to Alabama and hunt for the next week. Ahhh, life will be great!!!

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Re: Georgia on my mind!!


Sounds like a good deal! Now all you have to do is to work a trip in to come and hunt in Idaho! Lots of acres to cover here!

Good luck!

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I'd love to come to Idaho, you got a place we can go????? grin.gifgrin.gif

This trip is in conjunction with my yearly trip to Alabama, so it works out for the good that way. Oh yeah, I will be hunting wiith a rifle, not sure of what kinda stands they have, and of course my buds in school, so I can't really talk to him.

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