your car/truck licence plate slogan?


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Re: your car/truck licence plate slogan?

Georgia has a few;

1. Georgia, don't know, don't care.

2. Atlanta, we have more yankee's now than when Sherman came through.

3. We have 3 state flags, take your pick!

4. At least our crime rate isn't as bad as Washington!

5. Could be worse, you could be in Alabama!


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Re: your car/truck licence plate slogan?

you can get a mess of them in Ohio. scenic rivers, wildlife, any service branch if you are a veteran, a POW plate if you were a POW, purple heart if you ever got one, one of the numerous universities that are in Ohio, and a couple others i can't think of right now. ours used to say "Ohio, The Heart of it All"

most of the standard ones now say something about our bicentennial Ohio is celebrating this summer. that's the one i have.

[ 05-29-2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: Tominator ]

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Re: your car/truck licence plate slogan?

Originally posted by ParrotHead:

Georgia has a few;

1. Georgia, don't know, don't care.

2. Atlanta, we have more yankee's now than when Sherman came through.

3. We have 3 state flags, take your pick!

4. At least our crime rate isn't as bad as Washington!

5. Could be worse, you could be in Alabama!


But the official motto is " Georgia on my mind", but I have the "Support Wildlife" tag.

People think I'm joking when I say we have small deer here, but just look how big that quaill is compared to the deer. wink.gif


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your car/truck licence plate slogan?

i was just wondering what everyones state or province licence plate slogan says .

ours is here in Nova Scotia is

"Canadas Ocean Playground "

we also have a picture of the famous racing schooner Bluenose on it.

if you look at Nova Scotia on a map you will see that we are almost completly surrounded by the ocean. thats where the slogan comes from smile.gif

[ 05-29-2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: NS WHITETAIL ]

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Re: your car/truck licence plate slogan?

Gotta love New Hampshire's plate!!!!!


I agree about ours Strut...but better than it was... USA_PA_GI.jpg

If your interested in plates...go to this site web page and you can see any plate from any where in the world. Even plates from the early 1900's to date.

[ 05-30-2003, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: snapper ]

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