Might take disabled hunter hunting

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My brother took his hunter ed course the last few days and there was a guy there in a wheelchair looking to obtain a certificate so he can get his license and go hunting. This deer season my dad and I might be taking him hunting with us onto our property. We exchanged phone numbers and stuff like that.. He is a great guy. I think he got injured in the Marines a few years back.

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Guest BuckMaster058

Re: Might take disabled hunter hunting

That's nice, We did the same thing for my grandfather. It is nice to help someone in need and says something about you as a person.

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Re: Might take disabled hunter hunting


He said the only thing he is worried about is tipping over after the shot...

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LOL...I hope my buddy 3legs sees this grin.gifgrin.gif

He knows what that's all about smile.gif. We've both had a few good laughs over that, especially when I come over after he shoots and say "Which way did he head Ken?" ....and he says "I don't know...I was on the ground" ....LOL grin.gifooo.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Might take disabled hunter hunting


He said the only thing he is worried about is tipping over after the shot...

[/ QUOTE ]

He shouldn't worry too much. The only time I have even tipped back any at all was when I was shooting some stout turkey loads, and I didn't go over even then. Still might be a good idea to have someone stand behind him the first time he practices.

It's a good thing you are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bexar_county89

Re: Might take disabled hunter hunting

That is a very sweet favour you'd do for him, I work as a volunteer at a veterans hospital, I couldn't believe how many of them want to go hunting again, maybe they could set up something like that you know? good luck joe

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Re: Might take disabled hunter hunting

We have a family friend that has been in a wheelchair for the last 12 years from a car wreck and we take him out a couple of times every year. It is such a blessing to sit back and watch him enjoy something that he never thought he would get to again! Best of luck to you and God bless you!

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