How many ppl is having trouble calling turkeys


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Re: How many ppl is having trouble calling turkeys

I've been having the same trouble here. I've had plenty of birds around me they just aren't coming in.

My son and I had set up on some birds about 100yrds from thier roost, they would respond to my calls but wouldn't come to them. I've had hens come in but no toms.

This year is alot different from last, that's for sure crazy.gif

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Re: How many ppl is having trouble calling turkeys

Man I'll tell you what now. Trouble! Man it seemed like every time I went out the turkey's would respond to the calls but they just wouldn't come in.

Like they always say "patience is the key to success"

I have been hunting my but off every chance I got and would come home empty handed.

But this morning was a different story.

I got to where I was going to hunt at and was set up by 6am. this morning. At 7:15am. I had my bird and was on my way home with a smile.....

The last few days it seemed like every call that I had just wouldn't work. This morning it didn't slow them down.....

Hang in there and don't give up....

Good Luck to ya....


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Re: How many ppl is having trouble calling turkeys

My season doesn't start until next week, but I went out today to do a little deer scouting, and took a slate call with me. I'ld call every once in a while, but get no responce until I was just standing there looking at a tree I may hang a stand in, and one gobbled. I took out the call and played with him a bit.......when I realized that he was getting too close, I backed out of the area and got away so he wouldn't get too close and spook. Looks like it's going to be a great season.

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Re: How many ppl is having trouble calling turkeys

the hens have all the gobblers already why would they come in to a call when they've already got all their girls? I've found this year that i can copy the boss hen to call her in...she just goes the other way and takes the gobblers with i did what redbeard told me to do and i set up 50 yards on the side of the roost that the birds had been going each morning and i just let them walk by and clocked one as the moved through! I never called once!

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